Exporting rigged and skinned and animated character to fbx.

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Joined: June 2014
Hi all,

I am trying to export a rigged, skinned and animated character to fbx but I keep getting a warning that I have never seen before:

“Warning: Cregion's container node was not exported to file.”

Does anyone know what exactly could be causing this?

Thanks a lot in advance.
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This warning is generated when exporting bone skinning information that uses capture regions inside bone objects created by imported FBX joint skeletons. When importing an FBX file that contains a joint skeleton, Houdini converts them to Null objects with proxy bones for visualization. Since these proxy bones are only used for visualization purposes, they are ignored when exporting back out to FBX. So the warning is saying that it tried to export skinning information that uses nodes which are not exported. This means that the exported skinning information is probably invalid and not usable.

As it happens, I just fixed the workflow issues involved with importing FBX joint skeletons, doing skin capturing on it, and then exporting back out to FBX. Please try tomorrow's daily build, Houdini 16.0.549.
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Sorry for the late response. Just wanted you to know that the new build worked perfectly.
Thanks a lot.
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