opadd does not list operators in Textport

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So I watched the Jeff Wagner webcast today. Very informative. A lot went over my head although I get the jist of what he was showing. Being a noob on Houdini however I'm still getting over some of the setup and basic stuff which leads to my question. Right in the beginning Jeff opened up a “Technical” workspace and then in the Textport window simply typed the opadd command to get a list of operators. He then did a simply shell command redirect to put this list into a file. When I do the same with my install, all I see is the following:

/ -> opadd
Available operators
/ ->

There is no list. I'm running the latest release of Houdini Indie (16.0.557) running on a MBP with the latest version of El Capitan. I suspect I probably do not have an environment variable set up correctly but at the moment I'm not sure where to look.

Any assistance would be appreciated.
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The opadd command is sensitive to the current “directory” you are in. In the example you gave, you are in “/”, and you can't add any nodes to “/”. Try:
/ -> cd /obj
/obj -> opadd
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That was it. I missed that part. I figured it was something simple. Thank you.
“What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.”
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