Dynamically break rbd constraint inside wire solver with updating/animating source geo

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Hey all

kinda long title, also not a new topic but scavenging around the forums I haven't find a solution yet so here it is:

I have a rbd sim with a sphere splitting in two. When the parts split I have a wire sim connecting few points to create some some sort of slime-ish filaments (remeshing them afterwards of course).

I've got the wire sim working fine with both rbdpinconstraint and rbdspringconstraint but I can't seem to use the nice and dandy approach of adding a sopsolver to the constraint network to break them according to either force, distance or torque. That's because, on the constraint network the “override with sop” value is (and has to) set to one in order to update the constraint position being fed in the dop net.
So I am kinda curious to see what you guys come up with to solve this small issue…
I've thought of using sbd spring constraints but I'm unclear how could I create the same behaviour for many wires and on many points depending on stretching values, but maybe I am missing something simple.

Thanks all, here's the hip.

wireSolver_rnd_v003b.hip (441.3 KB)

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If there's anything I can improve on my post description please let me know as it seems this is going unanswered for a bit now
Cheers all
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OK, I have dangerously little knowledge, so this could be horribly wrong, but hey

You only need the pinned points to be updated each frame, so I split the constraint networks in two - back out in SOPS land, instead of merging the pinned/sprung constraints and then piping them into the DOPs net, I wired them into two separate inputs. Then inside the DOPs net:

Now the springs don't get overwritten every frame (but then they don't need to be, once things get going, ie after frame 20ish). The pin constraints still follow the sphere… all seems to still work.

And there my expertise ends.

but I've learnt a ton looking at your project file, so at least one of us got something out of this eh
Edited by howiem - Feb. 1, 2018 09:29:40

Screen Shot 2018-02-01 at 14.23.55.png (75.8 KB)

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Yep! You were right, I was keeping everything into one constraintNet, and that was indeed the issue (plus that thing about updating it after frame 20)!

Well, kinda silly as an error but thanks so much for taking the time man. Now I just gotta find a nice controllable way of breaking those connection like saliva would.

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