Calculating Point Normals in Vex

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Just for learning purposes I would like to replicate the ‘facet’ nodes ‘post compute normals’. In theory it would be the cross-product of the points shared by a plane. Does anyone have a snippet that showcases that?
Edited by schiho - March 14, 2018 14:41:38
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obviously you can just type
in a fresh point wrangle and you'll get automatic normals, but that's probably not much to learn from

also, best way to learn is to try solving it yourself
but if you want an easy way, you can do this for example to do averaged nonweighted normals
int prims[] = pointprims(0, @ptnum);
vector sumN = 0;
foreach (int prim; prims) sumN += prim_normal(0, prim, .5, .5);
v@N = normalize(sumN / len(prims) );
Tomas Slancik
FX Supervisor
Method Studios, NY
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