weird display in viewport

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I would like to start learning Houdini, but one thing kind of annoys me. I am getting some weird display in viewport:

If anyone knows how to get rid of it, I would be thankful.
BTW I use Non-Commercial Edition, Version 8.0, Build 417.

Thanks in advance.
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Most likely drawing errors in your graphics card. I haven't seen this for quite some time.

Some cards/drivers just don't like it when two points are too close to each other.

-downloading the latest driver for your card
-search this forum for graphics card/driver related issues and compare to your own.
-increasing the near clipping plane and decreasing the far clipping plane to increase the precision in the display.
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thanks for reply jeff,

I have installed latest driver (84.21) for my nVidia 6800 LE card but it solved nothing.

As for the camera clipping planes how do I change them, please? I am new to HDN and know only few basic things so only thing I came up with was that I created new camera and looked through it and changed far/near clipping planes in the parameters window but that didn´t solve the problem either.

I am still looking for the same issue in the forums, but it seems noone had the same problem.
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Use the Display Options dialog to change the current viewport's near and far clipping plane or the actual camera's near and far clipping planes. Probably both.

To open the Display Options dialog, just hit the “d” key in the viewport and go to the Optimization folder.

To adjust the camera's near and far planes, go to the View folder for the Camera.
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Do you think modifying my GeForce to Quadro could solve this? I guess this beast is built for these high-end cards. : )
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When I change the shading in viewport to “VEX Shaded” the weird geometry disappears and everything is OK. … Interesting …
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I also wonder if using flat shaded or flat shaded with wire also gets rid of the problems.

The Quadro is not necessary if you don't need it's extra capabilities. Just do a search on this forum for graphics cards and see which ones users have found successful. The question which graphics card to use with Houdini comes up and it is always changing as new cards are introduced.

I would try installing an older nvidia driver in the 77.xx as recommended in this most recent thread: []
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Thanks a lot, I´ll try that.

I also wonder if using flat shaded or flat shaded with wire also gets rid of the problems.

Wireframe Bounding Box OK
Shaded Bounding Box OK
Wireframe OK
Hidden Line Invisible BAD
Hidden Line Ghost BAD
Flat Shaded BAD
Flat Wire Shaded BAD
Smooth Shaded BAD
Smooth Wire Shaded BAD
VEX Shaded OK
VEX wire shaded OK
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