How about a job section?

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Joined: July 2006
Howdo one and all,

Is it worth putting a forum/section in for Job vacancies?

I know it is getting to that time of the year when showreels are flooding in to most HR departments and recruitment managers are scouring shows and expos for talent, but it would be nice to be able to find a list of just Houdini based jobs.

I have been told there are jobs out there and people with the skills are highly desired. A lot of studios are now using or even thinking of using Houdini in their pipelines and the application is always talked of in high regard. So why isn't there a listing on any Houdini forums?

I love Houdini and have been using it for nearly 2 years now but have not had any luck landing a junior role. I know everyone has to do their time, and I am currently doing mine wrangling in a very good FX house in Soho. Its just very frustrating not getting your teeth into a solid project, especially after so many good Houdini editorials recently.

Anyway its just an idea

Here endeth the rant. :shock:
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Have you tried this link []?

It is a link under the Community option above (under the Houdini logo).

Good luck!

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49 posts
Joined: July 2006
Thanks Steve,

I've looked at the link and it puts you in touch with some of the studios, but not very detailed or long. I know MPC []and Framestore [] use Houdini too, both in features and commercials.

I was hoping for people to post jobs they have heard going from their HR department or word of mouth. I know their has been some posts in the past but they just get listed under ‘general’ and are easy to miss.

Its cheeky I know, but I am being slow to get round to MAYA and I don't want a MAYA job. I know that it is unlikely to avoid MAYA completely but I would like to put it off as long as possible.

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