Has anybody implemented the "Static Cook Hybrid Approach"?

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Hi, everyone!

Has anybody implemented the "Static Cook Hybrid Approach"?
https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/tops/custom_scheduler.html#static-cook-hybrid-approach [www.sidefx.com]

Maybe there are already some examples in Houdini Python scripts?
Maybe some Tractor or Deadline can do this?

There is some example in documentation:
dependencies, dependents, ready = scheduler.dependencyGraph(True)
This way we get all work items.
But later on onSchedule(self, work_item) event, we can get batches.
So we can just construct all tasks in suspended state, then just trigger them to ready state on onSchedule event, like documentation says.

Is there a way to get the same tasks (work items), as they will be on an onSchedule event?
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Hi Timur,

Nice to see you here!

As I understand, with this hybrid approach you need to create a flat task map of workitems on the Afanasy side and then it already depends on the particular implementation how you want to activate/submit those tasks.

And when you are asking "a way to get the same tasks (work items)" - I'm assuming, there no magic method from PDG, just your own way to detect and send the Mantra workitem (for example) to the Mantra block in Afanasy.
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May some working method is to get all work items at first :

dependencies, dependents, ready = scheduler.dependencyGraph(True)

And later, we should "parse" tasks batches (if any) and replace tasks that are in the same batch by one batch task.

Or there is some "magic" method that I missed?
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At least I didn't find any "magic" method. You have to manage it by yourself.
Get all workitems in `onStartCook` method and then map it by name, id, command, or what is more suitable for you.

But there still a question for PDG "Batched" workitem. How do you want to mimic it in the render manager?
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May be can just skip work items that has a parent Batch work item.
And make a single task for each unique batch work item.
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Make sense but why do you need to skip workitems that have a parent Batch work item? As I understand render manager will not be responsible for dependencies - just releasing tasks by the trigger.
Also, probably need to skip all tasks without cmd.
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