Sidefx Substance Bridge in beta for 3 years.. so how could..

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Hey @sidefx
, when the bridge to substance is going to get out from the beta stage? It's has been 3 years now and substance is a key actor in our flow today
How could have my AO and Curvature inputs been taken into consideration? Does not seem to work, or maybe I missed something... I dive directly inside the Labs node there.. and I put a manual already baked image, even if at the end I want to be generated for each asset with PDG...

Thanks you

Capture.PNG (74.3 KB)

Vincent Thomas   (VFX and Art since 1998)
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You have on V-ray forums and on GitHub Open source Live link Substance/Houdini(painter_Designer) that you can modify ..
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Looks like i auto solve myself
Vincent Thomas   (VFX and Art since 1998)
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The labs tools now is bugged, i have to dive inside and fix the naming...
There are plenty rooms of improvement there which are more important than some recent tools made o up to cone in Houdini 19..
Vincent Thomas   (VFX and Art since 1998)
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Well i found out that in fact it's not really working. Im trying to establish better link with Substance and Houdini , trying to get the best of both worlds. Basically, if I create and get some asset a look made in substance of a given procedural shader like an edge and scratch procedural wearing material recreat live the mesh dependency map directly in Houdini, without any export, baking in substance, importing back blablabla...

When I link that AO and curvature with an external prebake EXR map it's work (after I have to fix a naming error in the Lab tools) but not when I try to "live" connect. Like shown above

The image plane doesn't seem to be recognized and taken into consideration in the SBSAR processing?

Ideally at the end, processing every asset with PDG... Anyoen has done PDG map baking for an all scene ?

Im joining my hip and test substance file I quickly created.. Maybe it's a limitation of substance archive? It can't only take baked, but I guess if so we should be able to trick it isn'it?

Many thanks guys. Sidefx staff, are you there?

Image Not Found

Image Not Found

I attached my hip and more details there
Thanks you! []
Edited by vinyvince - Oct. 25, 2021 16:55:26

testhoudini2.sbsar (13.5 KB)

Vincent Thomas   (VFX and Art since 1998)
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Ok, thanks works for curvature , but not for ambient occlusion. Same thing... I guess that's why this tool is mark as beta... Another bug?

Every studio use substance in their pipeline, and it has been years since this implementation stay in his child age...

Hey Sidefx, I guess most of us could do tools you bring in H19 like the slice tool, I would rather you to fix this kind of things and COP... :S
Vincent Thomas   (VFX and Art since 1998)
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So no one from Sidefx is able to check in the Substance bridge is actually still able to take input channel like occlusion, curvature, , position to feed the substance procedural Sbar process what it needs?

It's a major limitation. You could really only enjoy the power of substance with mesh dependant maps, and so far I have only been able to make the curvature been accepted . Occlusion, never. the image plane are off course names as expected.

Thanks you very much

Vincent, Houdini Lead.
Vincent Thomas   (VFX and Art since 1998)
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