Sweep - best way to handle intersection?

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Hi! I have 3 splines. 2 closed, and 1 connecting those 2. The idea is to make "tunnels" out of them.
Obviously, when I use Sweep, its like 3 different tunnels, they are not connecting properly, more just like sticking one inside another. Even those I used "Clean" node to fuse the overlapping points.

Is there some trick I could do to get desired result, without going all crazy with VEX?
Or Sweep is simply not a proper tool for something I want here?

selfinter.png (1006.0 KB)

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How about using a boolean set to union? Think you do have to endcap them so they are properly closed geometry. That could be done on the sweep node itself or by using polycap node. Your geometry also looks inside-out at the moment. So maybe use a reverse node first to get the correct winding. Cheers
Technical VFX artist @ Housemarque / Sony Interactive Entertainment
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thanks! In the end, I figured out I should use grid + copytopoints for the base from the spline, not sweeep
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