Adjusting Takes

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I was wondering if it's possible to adjust the setting, like the Output Path for instance, of several ROP's at the same time.

Or does one really have to : activate a Take, adjust the setting in the corresponding ROP, switch to another Take, select the corresponding ROP, adjust the same setting... rinse and repeat as many times as there are Takes ?

There must be an faster way, not ??
Edited by toonafish - April 27, 2023 05:05:37
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Simplest way would be to use $ACTIVETAKE in the output path. Another way would be to create a different ROP for each take, in which case you can edit the parameters in multi, or use the Parameter spreadsheet.
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Hey thanks.

Nice, $ACTIVETAKE seems to come in handy when one needs to render just the current Take without a separate ROP.

Been trying to figure out rendering out multiple ROPs. I thought one had to either daisy chain them or use a Merge node, at least that's what I picked up somewhere.

But it looks like both result in flaky behavior, at least with Redshift ROPs. And with daisy chaining one has to select the last ROP and render from "Controls" with "This Node and all inputs" active, and not just "Render to Disk".

But even then it's very unreliable I noticed. Especially with "skipping rendered frames". Not rendered frames are skipped randomly, or rendered frames rendered again and adjustments sometimes don't take hold unless one toggles between different Takes.
Also rendering "Frame by Frame" doesn't work as it should.

So far what seems to work best for rendering multiple ROPs in Redshift, is just selecting all the ROPs that need to be rendered leaving $OS in the output path so the name of the corresponding Take will be added, and simply hit "Render to Disk". So no daisy chaining or merging seems to be necessary ?

Maybe obvious once you know it, but just in case some other newbie runs into similar issues...
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