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Houdini Indie and Apprentice » INDIE LICENSE QUESTION
- SreckoM
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Work in Progress » Skyscraper Destruction
- SreckoM
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Houdini Indie and Apprentice » 3rd Party Render Support
- SreckoM
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Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Great news - 3rd party rendering in Indie
- SreckoM
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Amazing, that is all I need 
Thanks SESI! []

Thanks SESI! []
Houdini Lounge » Ouch! Solid Angle has joined Autodesk
- SreckoM
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I just hope I do not need to deal with resellers when it is time to renew license.. I'll definitely stop it than.
Technical Discussion » Ca't install Houdini on my mac
- SreckoM
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Houdini Lounge » Texturing - Triplanar and Bump
- SreckoM
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Houdini Learning Materials » The Houdini Way of Making a Simple Instance
- SreckoM
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Houdini Learning Materials » The Houdini Way of Making a Simple Instance
- SreckoM
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Yeah exactly, I would make HDA and than Instance it. You might skip creating HDA process if you like, but it is smarter way of organizing scene. In nutshell creating HDA is one step but if you make HDA you would instance it anyway, correct?
I am confused now with this, if I want 10 same objects in scene, is it same if I add 1 hda and than instance it 10 times or add hda 10 times ?
I am confused now with this, if I want 10 same objects in scene, is it same if I add 1 hda and than instance it 10 times or add hda 10 times ?
Houdini Learning Materials » The Houdini Way of Making a Simple Instance
- SreckoM
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Hmm yeah you have point there. Usually what I associate assets with is to use them in several projects, not to copy them in same scene, hmm not sure if I manage to say this right
But I guess that is something I bring from other apps, which might be different in Houdini.
What is relation of assets and viewport performances? Or does viewport in Houdini benefits if I use Instances? Or assets? In many apps using Instances helps with viewport too. If I want to copy complex, high poly tree for example.
Also what if I need to do some small changes in master object, like add new part, open drawer or thing like that? Do I need to update asset everytime I do that?
And what is problem with position of instances?

What is relation of assets and viewport performances? Or does viewport in Houdini benefits if I use Instances? Or assets? In many apps using Instances helps with viewport too. If I want to copy complex, high poly tree for example.
Also what if I need to do some small changes in master object, like add new part, open drawer or thing like that? Do I need to update asset everytime I do that?
And what is problem with position of instances?
Houdini Learning Materials » The Houdini Way of Making a Simple Instance
- SreckoM
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SI Users » The Houdini Modo combo
- SreckoM
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Houdini Lounge » Distributed IPR in Houdini
- SreckoM
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Technical Discussion » Houdini 15 on mac
- SreckoM
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Yeah, I read post here about Intel cards are not being supported at the moment until some drivers issues are fixed (on intel or Apple side). That might be cause of you problem. Can not find that thread …
Found it []
Found it []
Technical Discussion » Boolean Modelling Resources for Houdini
- SreckoM
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You can open every hip file it does not depend on Houdini version. I do not think that boolean in Houdini is so much different than in any other program. Can you show what you want to achieve?
Houdini Learning Materials » Sharing my tutorials
- SreckoM
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Houdini Lounge » houdini and latest MacBookPro
- SreckoM
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Houdini Lounge » houdini and latest MacBookPro
- SreckoM
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I had MBP with 750 Nvidia, and was not super happy about how Houdini worked with it. As soon as I get into larger scenes. Same setup with Linux worked much better. Things changed with H15, but had lot crashes. So I decided to sell it and purchased Asus ROG, works great so far. I do miss OS though.
Technical Discussion » New imac 5k, macbook pro and houdini
- SreckoM
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I just replaced my Windows PC (GTX980) with the Late 2015 iMac. My current configuration uses El Capitan 10.11.2, 4Ghz i7 32 GB Ram, and 4GB AMD R9 M395X. So far I haven't seen any bugs/glitches with Houdini Apprentice. I will keep testing and report if I find anything bogus. But so far so good and I am really happy. The machine is very fast and silent, it doesn't have the heat problems the previous generation had, it doesn't throttle the CPU under sustained heavy load. And the screen is incredible. Color gamut of this new panel covers P3, once you work with this screen I don't know if it's possible to go back to a standard monitor![]()
Hope this helps.
What was the price of that iMac? You can send me that to PM if you like. Thanks!
Houdini Lounge » Features to speed up modeling
- SreckoM
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Thats on reason why a lot of Artists use a second package. Maya is here the first choice.
For Artists having two or more packages may be ok. But for indie game developer one package must do everything. Yes, I think Maya has almost everything. But only if you own full package. And it doesn't have Maya Engine![]()
Houdini is attracting developers because of its procedural nature and Houdini Engine. Feels like home. Why it must be limited to VFX only?! Can't it be great modeler too?!
Because it takes time and resources. It is not that you come here, post wish and tomorrow it has been granted.. How old are you ppl? It is in process and sometime it takes few releases to do it. Especially in app like Houdini which is dominantly oriented towards VfX. Why MODO does not have such powerfull vfx tools like Houdini?
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