Congratulations & How to Claim Prizes

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Congratulations to everyone for a great month of art and animation, to everyone who completed the Iron Heart and to Thomas for winning best collection. Best Image/Animation judging is also now complete and available on the Winners Page [].

For everyone who won daily challenge T-shirts or Iron Heart SWAG Packs (and you submitted your contact sheet on time) please fill out the following form:


Note that you can only win one t-shirt even if you won on multiple days. The SWAG pack does come with a possible second T-shirt if you won a daily prize and the IRON HEART - you can ask for different sizes for these two shirts in the Questionnaire.
Edited by rmagee - 2023年4月10日 15:28:18
Robert Magee
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Congrats to everyone! Some incredible artwork got made last month. I stopped creating work after Day 21 because of work getting nuts.

Hey Robert! Just wanted to mention that the Winners Page needs /edit taken off the end and the "How to Claim Prizes" on the actual link goes to the 2022 competition.
Edited by EJaworenko - 2023年4月12日 20:49:03
Houdini TD, I focus on tools for procedural asset creation.
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Thanks - fixed
Robert Magee
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Aaallright, done aaaand submitted.

Thanks for the organisation, Robert. It was pretty clean this year!
Thanks to the judges for the artwork win ! It does feel nice and warm, indeed. I missed Paul Esteves' vids this year though ,)

Mardini is a nice occasion to let out the inner artist inside, step outside of the usual "button pusher" role that goes on and on all year.

While I answered "Nature" in the form, in truth I couldn't really choose. I liked all weeks, and had to challenge myself to find ideas all along. Shapes started nice and smooth. Motion was a bit compromised by my own failure at meeting the deadlines for Growth and Leap, but I love finding ways to express movement with a single image. Light was probably the hardest, in hindsight. And Worlds, man, I was so tired when we reached that one ^^
Some days I was absolutely at a loss of ideas tho : Smooth, Flow, Bulb, Reflect, Halo, Fantasy !

Obviously I can't say whether I will engage in Mardini 2024 for sure, because life is life. It will boil down, I suppose, on a few parameters. I'd like to, though. Just need to find how to balance out work, sleep, and mardini

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Has anyone already received their prizes / SWAG pack? I didn't...
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This was my first year doing Mardini, but from what I remember on the other forums people started receiving them around August, maybe a bit later, but don't quote me on that. I don't know if there's any notification of shipping either.

Either way, I'm sure it'll be a fun surprise when it arrives (:
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Hi, I belive we have to be patient. Prize for Mardini 2022 was delivered to me 24th February 2023.
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Anyone received their prizes? I didn’t get anything yet… almost time for Mardini 2024…
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Ha! I was just thinking of posting the same thing - also haven't received the 2023 prizes yet. And gearing up for 2024!
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yeah I'm thinking it's a good time to remind sidefx we didn't get the physical goodies ^^
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I've sent a message to Robert Magee, he'll forward our names (davidrowley, wolrajh and me) to the person responsible for the prizes.
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I also did not get anything yet.
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I doubt if anyone recieved anything.

It would be nice to have an update from staff in this forum for everyone.
Houdini Pipeline Supervisor @ TAT Studio
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Yep, me too. Haven't received anything, and Mardini 2024 should be starting in a few days. SideFX owes me a large t-shirt. Honestly, takes a good chunk of the fun out of it.
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I'm not a prize winner, but I agree. Sidefx you need to get your act together. Prizes should be despatched within the week - not 12 months plus... If I was due something I'd be very unhappy. Do you think this is good customer relations?
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I don’t want to sound impertinent after a year of waiting, but I still haven’t received the Iron Heart swag. told me it would be sent in March 2024. I filled out the form again as requested at the beginning of this competition, where mentioned that some prizes were still pending delivery, but it hasn’t arrived.
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