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Unable to load texture 'op:...' Jan. 17, 2012, 11:29 a.m.


followup question after a few years,

i am using this to connect a cop to a vopsop, it works a frame 1, but when i play it it crashes directly, any ideas.

should mention the texture file and the particles are animated.

VOP POP, help creating a point cloud from a texture Jan. 16, 2012, 7:09 a.m.

Hi thanks for the info,

forgot to mention i am a fairly new user, so i understand what would happend tih that in a DOP network, and also what is going on with the fit node,
but i do not get why is it simulating movement in the particles when the texture source doesnt change.

are you saying that i should change the setup, to have the particles beeing positioned in that fashion with no regards to actual particle position, in order to bypass the per frame calculations?



found a way around it stoppping the activation of the node.


VOP POP, help creating a point cloud from a texture Jan. 16, 2012, 6:45 a.m.


i am trying to create a particle cloud from a texture, and have it move around later on using advect fields

however the particles generated, they start to move when i play the scene, even though i have no forces applied, the strangest thing is that they seem to have a goal based on and invisible wall, and i cannot figure this out.

i added the scene if anyone wants to check

any ideas are welcome.
