Houdini Foundations for Houdini 19.5 is now available as downloadable PDF through a link below and a print-on-demand book through the Lulu Ebook company. This 224 page book contains 9 chapters designed to help artists take their first steps into Houdini.

Houdini Foundations is for artists who want to learn how to use Houdini and its node-based procedural workflow to create 3D computer graphics for film, TV projects or video games. Learn about the tools and techniques you will use as a Houdini artist, then run through multiple lessons that teach you how to build simple projects from scratch. You will also learn how to work with the nodes and networks in Houdini and then how to bring the results into the UE4 game engine.

Note: When we originally set this book up for print we attempted to use a lower cost print quality to keep the price down for students. It has come to our attention that some copies are not of a good enough quality. Lulu.com has explained that given the number of images, we need to use premium quality printing and paper which boost the cost of the book to $49.99 USD. So going forward that is the price. If you are cost conscious please remember that the PDF is available above for free and it looks really good on an iPad (although those are a bit more expensive than $49.99)


1 | Overview [Videos]

2 | Model, Render, Animate [Videos]

3 | Nodes, Networks & Digital Assets [Videos]

4 | Smashing Wine Glass [Videos]

5 | Destruction FX [Videos]

6 | Terrain Generation [Videos]

7 |  Rig Fur Dude with KineFX [Videos]

8 |  Procedural Assets for Unreal [Videos]

9 |  Build a City with PDG [Videos]



Robert Magee is a Senior Product Marketing Manager at SideFX who has been working with Houdini for 20 years. He has created lots of learning material and demos designed to help artists understand how going procedural with Houdini can benefit their work.

More from Robert Magee


  • franco0351 1 year, 6 months ago  | 

    Thanks great!

  • Pixel8d 1 year, 6 months ago  | 

    I received the printed book today. Without trying any of the tutorials yet, I can already tell by thumbing through the pages this is of great quality. I look forward to other printed material if it happens in the future. Thanks!

  • bobc4d 1 year, 5 months ago  | 

    excellent stuff, especially for beginners or those in need of knocking off some rust.

  • DarrynRogers 1 year, 4 months ago  | 

    I'm doing the Fur Dude rigging tutorial and have found a couple of errors in the instructions in Part 5, steps 6 and 7. Had me going round in circles for quite a while trying to figure out why it wasn't working.

    Step 6 - "Press tab > Attach Capture Geo..."
    Should be: "Press tab > Attach Joint Geo..."

    Step 6 - "...and the mergedpacked into the third input"
    Should be "... and the mergepacked into the second input"

    Step 7 - The screenshot shows an "Attach Joint Geo" node named "attachcapturegeo1". This is what tipped me off that there was something funky going on with the instructions and maybe I was not entirely mad.

    • 303ish 9 months, 2 weeks ago  | 

      Thanks for the heads up!

  • DarrynRogers 1 year, 4 months ago  | 

    Oh and also thanks for providing these written tutorials. I find them much easier to follow than video tutorials.

  • zero_expectations 1 year, 4 months ago  | 

    Thanks for the update Robbie.
    Thanks Darryn for the edits.
    Got stuck in 19.5 with the FurDude videos.

    I also think the pace of the written tutorials works better for me.....oddly.

  • Chri_stoph_1 1 year, 3 months ago  | 

    The link does not exist where can i get the printed book?

  • 1h8g9s5 1 year, 3 months ago  | 

    Great videos! Amazing learning experience. Thank you sooo much :D

    • 1h8g9s5 1 year, 3 months ago  | 

      It seems that Rig Fur Dude with KineFX just got videos updated! Nice

  • Sotovya 6 months, 2 weeks ago  | 

    Hi Robert!

    I've just started to learn Houdini! I am however wondering if there is any noticeable difference between Houdini v19.5 and the newly released v20 as I want to invest in buying the physician edition of this book as it'd be easier to cross reference rather than rely on the pdf. Now as Houdini v20 has recently released I'm just wondering if the book would be considered out of date in some chapters/sub-chapters. Would some information be out of date in the book?

    Thanks Robert!

  • xerialdata 4 months, 3 weeks ago  | 

    Holy Print Batman, the quality of this book is GR7+1.

  • NobodyWithNoName 4 months, 2 weeks ago  | 

    SideFX must be the reference for all companies out there to see how job must be done! Thank you ROBERT MAGEE this is wonderful, Flawless design and content!

  • Bright_Power3862 4 months ago  | 

    I read the book and immediately started practicing because theory is worthless without it. I'm gradually creating my first 3D models, learning to be creative. I ordered the printed book through Lulu Ebook because I don't like the electronic format - I can't concentrate. As for learning in electronic format, I can't even remember, except for the time when I used https://essays.edubirdie.com/excel-help to prepare assignments for college , and to figure out Excel spreadsheets. I'm an artist and dream of using Houdini to create 3D graphics for my films. I have many ideas, and this book will help me bring them to life.

    Thank you to the authors for their excellent work!

  • shirleybuitron 3 months, 3 weeks ago  | 

    Thanks great!

  • shishaoshan 2 months ago  | 

    Thanks a lot!!!

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