Program Crash

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Houdini 11.0.547 (I tried also 11.0.548 and 11.0.511) crashes at start. (My system: Windows 7 x64, AMD Phenom II x4 955, ATI Radeon HD 3300 video with 8.782.0.0 driver - AMD Catalyst Package v10.10). When I roll back to 8.741.0.0 video driver Houdiny starts normally. What is at the bottom of a problem, and whether it will be solved? The matter is that I need to update the driver for for more stable work of my video editing program.
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I'm having the same issue on XP64 H11.0.561
H11.0.466 is ok however.
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it could be related to this (ie, you may need to install vcredist_x64 and reboot): []
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That did it.
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Houdini 11.0.548 still don't work on new ATI driver. After I downloaded and installed Catalyst 10.12 (display driver 8.8010.0) Houdini becomes crashes on start. Installing vcredist_x64 don't solve this problem. Whether this problem in new versions of the Houdini is solved? (My system is described above).
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Houdini 11.0.595 doesn't works with ATI Catalyst 10.12 (display driver 8.801.0.0) but works with old 8.741.0.0 driver. Has Somebody else such problem with ATI a video card? Whether is the decision of this problem possible?
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The last ATI consumer driver that works with Houdini 11 is 10.9. I tested 10.10 and it crashes somewhere in the ATI OpenGL libraries. Very likely 10.12 has the same problem.
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Thanks for the answer. It is problem ATI or Houdini? Whether is there a hope of that that something will change? After all not so pleasant perspective to remain forever with drivers 10.9 …
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Usually I wait until next month's driver to see if the issue corrects itself. Since it hasn't, I'll take it up with ATI/AMD.
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Looking back in my email, I did notify ATI of the issue at the end of October. Apparently it isn't reproducible on 5000 series ATI cards, so it may take some time to resolve, especially considering it appears to be a consumer-only problem.
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Thank you! I will periodically test new ATI drivers…
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I am just want to ask, If this problem has been solved in some newer version of Houdini.
I am using 581 and I want to ask, if I have to download newer version or if this problem remain???

edit: I have driver v8.801 [] [] []
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Warning: I just did a Microsoft Update on my Windows 7 64-bit system, and Houdini is now crashing at the start. In the update was an ATI drive updates. Looks like I now also have this problem.

Can someone tell me how to rollback my ATI driver?
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In Windows: Device Manager/Display Adapters/ (right click on your adapter)/ Properties. Then click on Roll Back Driver button on Driver tab. Also you can uninstall (Uninstall button) driver and install older version from ATI/AMD site.
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In Windows: Device Manager/Display Adapters/ (right click on your adapter)/ Properties. Then click on Roll Back Driver button on Driver tab. Also you can uninstall (Uninstall button) driver and install older version from ATI/AMD site.

Thanks, I went back to 10.9 drivers from ATI and everything is working again. I'm resisting the urge to go into a rant about the poor quality of ATI products… resisting…. arg…
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Oh great, now Houdini's frame rate is horrible. It's really slow.

Wasn't like this before.
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Try installing Catalyst 10.9 manually. Sounds like the rollback may have rolled you back a bit too far.
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Try installing Catalyst 10.9 manually. Sounds like the rollback may have rolled you back a bit too far.

I uninstalled Catalyst, and then threw the device manager uninstalled the display driver. Then re-installed Catalyst 10.9, and everything appears to be normal again. Houdini is responding nicely.

Thank you for the thread, cause this would have been a show stopper. No thanks to Microsoft for pushing the driver update, and no thanks to ATI for what ever it was they did.
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Don't become angry strongly on ATI. I use for a long time their video cards and I have as a whole less problems, than my colleagues who uses Nvidia. As it isn't strange, I now with success work in Adobe Premiere and After Effects CS5 on ATI HD3300 with HDV. Well and drivers are an eternal sad song… Not about ATI only.
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Don't become angry strongly on ATI. I use for a long time their video cards and I have as a whole less problems, than my colleagues who uses Nvidia. As it isn't strange, I now with success work in Adobe Premiere and After Effects CS5 on ATI HD3300 with HDV. Well and drivers are an eternal sad song… Not about ATI only.

I dont hate Ati only for drivers, Ati has really terrible support on their website. For eg. why they have two version of drivers(with and without OpenCL) and why they have only drivers without OpenCL in their old drivers archive. If I wrong, send me link for 10.9 with OpenCL.

I call this “f*ck with consumer” and when I have money, I buy “guess what”! [] [] []
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