HOUDINI_TEMP_DIR on linux (centos)

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Hi everyone,

I used to work with on both windows and linux (centos) but know i need to stay and now i want to stay on linux.
I just have one problem on widnows it's easy to setup HOUDINI_TEMP_DIR to another file or drive but on linux it's completely obscur.

Do anyone know how to setup the HOUDINI_TEMP_DIR file path on Linux?

Thanks a lot.
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You should be able put this in your .cshrc (if you are using TCSH/CSH*) to do this:

setenv HOUDINI_TMP_DIR ‘/tmp’

Is it not set to /tmp by default, or did you just want to change it?

*Thanks Edward, I forget that
Edited by - April 21, 2013 01:27:55
I'm o.d.d.
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On most Linux distro's bash is the default shell, so the syntax is different from what goldleaf posted:

export HOUDINI_TEMP_DIR=“/tmp”
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Thanks guys for you answers!!
I've already tried those techniques but didn't work, i tried again and still don't working.

goldleaf: I want to change the destination folder to another drive with more space as i used to do on widnows.

Maybe there's a difference on centos?! If someone already done that please help?
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I remember having trouble with this on Fedora. For whatever reason nothing I tried seemed to work. I launch Houdini from a script and in the end putting the export line into the script worked. For example:

cd /opt/hfs12.1.216/
source /opt/hfs12.1.216/houdini_setup
export HOUDINI_TEMP_DIR=/home/dajuice/project/tmp/
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Thanks a lot. It's working fine.

Thanks again
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