Viewport/OpenGL problems continue

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Nope does nothing, cannot wait unless we get a new H version

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I just encountered this issue again (drag-selection marquee over entire geometry not registered, but partial selections work fine), H 13.0.376, GL 3.3 viewport, so no, not fixed.

This fix only affects incorrect selection & picking for very large meshes. Which selection problem are you referring to? The selections appearing black?

The issue was that occasionally the selection (points, polygons, etc.) wouldn't register in any way if I attempted to select all of the geometry using the marquee selection. If I selected only part of the geometry, the selection always worked - the primary difference there I'm guessing was that the selection marquee contacts the underlying geometry with a partial selection, but not in the case of a total selection.

I'm using 13.0.357 now and haven't run into the issue yet, crossing my fingers. I'm going to be into it tonight, we'll see.

Now, if only we could get the new snapping…
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Bug re-reported and updated, #60699.
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What are you attempting to select? Does it fail with all types (points, edges, polys)? Also, does saving out the geo & reloading it wtih a File SOP, then selecting, exhibit the same problem?
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It was a primitive selection at the time, in a fairly large SOP network. When it happens, it affects all selection types (prims, points, etc.). I haven't tried to write the geometry out to see if it works but I'll try when it happens again. That said, I'd hope that writing the geometry out isn't a proposed solution to the problem and that it's simply an academic fact finding exercise.
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Nope, not a workaround. If geometry still doesn't work on load, then you can attach it to the bug and we have a test case.

Also, is selecting the geometry, but just not displaying the selection? ie, if you switch to the move tool when it occurs, does it move everything?
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No, the selection isn't registered - when I drag select the geometry (and the selection isn't displayed) and hit “t” for example (which would normally invoke an edit SOP), nothing happens.

It's difficult to reproduce unfortunately, but if I run into a case where it's repeatable I'll send it along. The same geometry will work one minute, and won't the next. The workaround is to drag-select all but one or two faces, and then to shift-click select those remaining faces.

Again, new since H12.
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I've been experiencing the same selection problem than stu.

Since I only model at home for personal projects I have no problem attaching the scene with one of the objects that have the problem.

The object selection doesn't seem to have a problem, but if you go into the Sop net, press S for the selection tool and try to select it all it is not able to select it.

In my case if you change the type of selection (ex pts to prims) it seems to work sometimes. However in my when you go up to OBJ level and come back in to SOP the problem appears again and can't select the whole thing.

Please test it to see if you experience the same problem with this file and if you do we can send it as attachment for the bug report.

selectProblem_0425.hipnc (194.0 KB)

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H12.0, or 12.5? 12.0 still used old-style GL1 selection, whereas GL3-accelerated picking debuted in 12.5. The geometry library was completely overhauled in 12.0, though. So if this is something that's been going on since 12.0, it might be a GU issue.
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I'd have to go back and double check (hoping that I still have installs of 12.0 and 12.5 and that I can reproduce the issue ).
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The object selection doesn't seem to have a problem, but if you go into the Sop net, press S for the selection tool and try to select it all it is not able to select it.

In my case if you change the type of selection (ex pts to prims) it seems to work sometimes. However in my when you go up to OBJ level and come back in to SOP the problem appears again and can't select the whole thing.

I wasn't able to reproduce this on Linux64/GEForce 690 w/331 drivers, nor Win7 64b with an AMD FirePro W8000 (driver 13.251.1) using Houdini 13.0.385 and 13.0.391.

Do you have any additional steps? I tried going in & out of SOPs several times, in several different ways (net editor, obj/geo selection icons, path gadget).

What driver and video card are you using?

Also, try moving aside $HOME/houdnii13.0 and see if that makes any difference.
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Update: my selection issue is still happening, 13.0.401 - bug report updated.

Okay, H13.0.401 reproduceable:

-start new houdini session
-hit TAB, place new geo
-hit ENTER to dive inside
-there will be the default XYZ cube file SOP inside
-hit S 2 in order to select points
-drag-select the entire object in the viewport (in order to select all of the points) - nothing will be selected. Drag-selecting only a portion of the object will work fine.

GL 3.3 viewport renderer.

I've updated the bug report with the same info.
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I'm afraid I still can't reproduce the bug with these steps. I've also been through the logic to see if there's something amiss, but it looks okay.

Could you try moving aside your $HOME/houdini13.0 dir to see if it still occurs? If it does not occur with a fresh houdini13.0 dir, please tar your old houdini13.0 dir up & send it to me.

Out of curiousity (and a slight hunch), if you turn on Point Normals, do they show up selected?

Edit: also, are you getting no points at all displayed, or only blue points displaed? Are there green outlines on the model?
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Moving $HOME/houdini13.0 doesn't change the problem, same result.

Point normals also don't show as selected, and the wireframe does not turn green, it's as if there has been no selection made whatsoever. The points display as blue, and remain that way.

Primitive and edge selection seem to work fine.

UPDATE: if I hit S 3 and select all the edges (which works fine) and then hit S 2 for points, it works. But only AFTER I've selected and/or deselected the edges first. Repeatable.
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I'm also able to reproduce the problem using Stu's steps on 13.0.409 on windows 7 quadro 5000 latest drivers. While select doesn't work but partial does. I've run into this at other instances during work as well.
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What desktop are you running, just the Build? and a single perspective view?
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Single perspective view on my end.

UPDATE: the issue remains the same with quad views, orthos, etc.
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Ok, I've managed to reproduce the issue with the release build from the build machine. Doesn't affect any developer's local builds, which is why no one here has been able to reproduce it. At least it's a start.
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Vindicated! I was feeling like one of those guys who says he saw bigfoot.
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Don't worry, I believed you It always seems to be something subtle with these bugs.
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