how to change zoom ,rotate ,pan mouse buttons ?

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RMB zoom works fine.
LMB rotate works fine.

I can not get MMB pan to work .

So I want to change

LMB rotate
MMB zoom
RMB pan

I tried the edit/hotkeys but I can't find how to change mouse buttons
Help ,Thanks
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Ubuntu ?

I have the same problems with my mouse.
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Well I manage to change the view tool hot key to v
but still can't find the mouse hot keys in edit hot keys.

is there not a way to make hot keys ?
is apprentice limited to modifying hot keys ?

my middle mouse wheel zooms in Houdini and all other app's.
RMB alt to be the default pan anyways.

who want's a Lamborghini without a bloody steering wheel ?
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I use this in my .bashrc

my MMB wheel still zooms, not sure if there is a way to change that.
Michael Goldfarb |
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Arctor Thanks for your reply but I'm new to Houdini

and have no idea what your telling me & Physalis

could I talk you out of a paragraph or two explaining what
“I use this in my .bashrc export HOUDINI_MMB_PAN=1”
means ?

or how to make mouse hotkeys ?

Windows 8,GeForce.

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HOUDINI_MMB_PAN is an environment variable that Houdini will read on start-up []
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In windows 8,I went to control panel and changed the settings on my MMB.
So now the MMB works in Houdini

and can follow along in the tutorials

also my mouse actually has 2 extra buttons on the side so I set them to MMB also

I like to model with a mouse n sculpt with a pen but I set my pen
with a MMB for Houdini also


I am truly the worst programmer on this planet .Hello World

for now I'm just seeing what Houdini can do and if I am going to get Houdini.

but it would be very helpful if I new if you can use Houdini's code

to add move,scale,roate icons ? like these.


XXR_MSR.jpg (42.8 KB)

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do you mean these? []
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do you mean these? []

no not those was wondering if Houdini code could add move,scale,roate icons like in the .jpg I posted before to replace RMB,MMB,LMB to just move around in the view port.

to replace what this icon does


msr.jpg (11.6 KB)

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pretty sure the answer is no.

if you're just learning Houdini I would really recommend not trying to make Houdini behave the same as another app you're more familiar with…
because it will never end and you'll spend more time trying to change Houdini than actually learning to use it.
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it's regrettable the answer is no.

Arctor That's excellent advice and I half to agree with you.
but it drives me insane when they make killer CGI App's n leave the simplest things out.
Don't sell me a Lamborghini without a bloody steering wheel .

I've been trying to learn Houdini but out of all the App's I have learned Houdini is proving difficult most app's I just need to know where the tool is and what this or that app calls it.
If you know one CGI app you pretty much know them all.
but there's very few Houdini tutorials.
and even fewer up to date tutorials. youtubes like a ghost town.
still haven't found a up to date tutorial on shaders yet.

There's not a lot of people on the forums either.
As killer as Houdini is I would have thought there would have been a lot more users.

You see DAZ Studio advertisements all over the place.
Houdini needs to talk to DAZ's advertisers.

I've bumbed around CGI for along time. Since Softimage was King of CGI.
Now Softimage R.I.P. and they had to give Blender away for free.
I've never seen a CGI app with out move ,zoom ,roate icon to move around do well.
A user Friendly UI is every thing.
There's no point in owning a Ferrari if you can't drive it.
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I left out LW n Blender are hotkey driven App's.
HotKey driven App's don't seem to do well either.
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I'm using a Wacom pad for all of my work, and I can't get navigation down either. C4D uses 1,2, and 3, keys for navigation. I'd like to find something similar in Houdini
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I haven't looked in to this yet.
Most times I use a mouse if not sculpting.
I have a intuos 5 not the pro version.
With the standard 2 button pen.
Maybe we could buy a 3 button pen or something.
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or maybe use the touch to navigate
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oh if the pen is touching the pad it rotates

if the pen is not touching the pad

changed pen top button to right click ZOOMS
changed pen bottom button to middle click MOVES

I can get touch to zoom n rotate also.
Edited by - Oct. 13, 2015 13:22:37
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guess if you change the setting to your liking you can get it to work
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if I'm understanding you correctly - you're looking for a way to press a hotkey or click a button to invoke a tumble, a pan and a dolly in the view port?

I'm not sure why this is necessary or desirable when there is a button on the left side to invoke the View state - then, like any other app you use the LMB, MMB, RMB with or without modifiers (shift, ctrl, alt) to alter the view, or when in any other state use the spacebar or alt key to invoke the View state temporarily…

as for the lack of tutorials - yeah, that's been an issue forever, though in the past few years it's gotten much better…
it's a chicken/egg situation…for a long time there were comparatively few Houdini users, so there wasn't a great demand for tutorials, and because there weren't that many tutorials it was more difficult for new users to jump in and get productive quickly…
but things have been getting better, and will continue to get better…
the one saving grace has been that support from SESI has always been better than anyone else (I say this as someone who until very recently used Houdini in production) and the forums, both here and at od have always been really great, with lost of helpful people and very little noise…
Michael Goldfarb |
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dhpdigital is using a Pen.Pens don't have LMB, MMB, RMB.
a lot of Pro's just use a Wacom and no mouse.
but I got my intous to work so I'm betting you can get intuos pro and cintiq to work also.

I found some youtube and vimeo tutorials and all of you helpful Artist on the forums So I'm starting to get the concept of Houdini.

I know Houdini has the power .I just half to learn to drive it.
nothing worth having comes easy but education material in essential.

back in the day I fussed about manuals being wrote buy third parties that didn't have a clue about CGI. I'm glad to see those days gone.
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you complain about a lack of tutorials for houdini ? in 2015 ?

there's only one answer to that: learn to search on the web!
seriously, I've been learning H15 with free online tutorials, plenty of them…
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