Add color point wrangle

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using a point sop I can

Add color : rand($myvalue + 1) , rand($myvalue + 2) , rand($myvalue + 4)

and I can see $myvalue being used to drive the color on the points

$myvalue is a Primitive attribute, and obviously the point sop adding it to my point color.

How can I do this in a point Wrangle?
Problem being, I want to reference the $myvalue from a primitive and add it to the point. I don't want to attr promote in sops or anything like that.

Edited by ludwigvon - June 30, 2016 14:35:15
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To randomize color just use VEX code inside the wrangle.
float r = random(@ptnum+1);
float g = random(@ptnum+2);
float b = random(@ptnum+3);
@Cd = set(r,g,b);
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Keep in mind that each point might have several connected primitives.
Here is a way to get average value from primitives.

@avgValue = 0;

//Fetch points conected primitives and store in array
int prims[] = pointprims(0,@ptnum);

foreach(int i; prims){
@avgValue += prim(0,"value",i);


@avgValue /= len(prims);
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Most efficient way I know to drive random values into a vector is to use the vector rand(val1, val2) variant of the rand() function where there is a bound geometry attribute float myvalue:
@Cd = rand(f@myvalue+1, f@myvalue+2);
This will drive three random values in to Cd colour.
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