Feature requests

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Since you're updating the character animation tools. Here are my feature requests.

1. A wrap deformer for shrink wrapping clothes around an animated character. -> You can do it with a lattice deformer , but a dedicated tool would be nice.

2. The ability to animated nulls with point groups with falloffs. I would like to select points with fallof as already is possible an link them to a null that you can animate -> translate and rotate. This would be useful for animating the cheeks of a character or to animate manually a tree. It could be usefull for animating extreme deformations on a character. -> We have the lattice and wire deformer but this would be a nice addiction. Look at Modo's deformers.

3.Something like Diomatic Facial Studio or facegen. Basically a standard head with all the morphs and phonemes that snaps to curves you have drawn to math a picture. It would be nice to have the option to change the ethnicity etc…
with the blendshapes for the phomenes

4. A standard bodyshape you can adjust. It has been asked many times on the Orbolt website. Something like Exocortex Species or -> Make Human http://www.makehuman.org/ [makehuman.org] A standard bodyshape with sliders and morphs to tweak the bodyshape with UV's on.

5. A stretchy bones node. You can already do it with expression, but it would be nice to have a easier tool.

6. Something like Newtek Chronosculpt or Spartaproject to brush sculpt transform cached simulations. Very usefull for adjusting fluid simulations or cloth simulations after they have been cached.
http://spartaproject.com/ [spartaproject.com]

7. An instance paint tool. A tool that allows you to paint instances on a surface als for painting instances of characters crowds with an RMB erase button. On Orbolt there is such a tool, you could probably make it yourself, but it would be nice to have it as a node. For instance painting trees crowds etc…

8. Simpeler mocap retargetting tools like in Modo. (more graphical user interface oriented retargetting.
https://vimeo.com/92236177 [vimeo.com]

9. Perhaps a bird wing rig (forward kinematics style) with lag deformers on the feathers and a claw preset. (Not very difficult to do -> but it would be nice if we could have that.)

10. You might update the mountain SOP with Digital Elevation Model Maps. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_elevation_model [en.wikipedia.org]
Because you can buy Daz Bryce3D for only 20 USD and you can sculpt mountains and terrains in Zbrush or 3DCoat I don't see the point of putting serious development effort in these things.
Edited by v78t - Aug. 14, 2016 07:49:59
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All good suggestions, please not only post them here but submit RFE via the Support menu.
1. A wrap deformer for shrink wrapping clothes around an animated character. -> You can do it with a lattice deformer , but a dedicated tool would be nice.
Yes, either lattice in point mode or point deformer. The request I'd like to add would be edge length in addition to radius only.

7. An instance paint tool. A tool that allows you to paint instances on a surface als for painting instances of characters crowds with an RMB erase button. On Orbolt there is such a tool, you could probably make it yourself, but it would be nice to have it as a node. For instance painting trees crowds etc…
Have you tried the Spray Paint SOP? It should fit your needs

Now go log those RFEs.

Have fun,
Edited by Andy_23 - Aug. 14, 2016 18:42:33
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Dumb question perhaps, but what is an RFE?
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Request for Feature Enhancement
http://www.sidefx.com/Support/report-a-bugrfe/ [sidefx.com]
Michael Goldfarb | www.odforce.net
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10. You might update the mountain SOP with Digital Elevation Model Maps. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_elevation_model [en.wikipedia.org]
Because you can buy Daz Bryce3D for only 20 USD and you can sculpt mountains and terrains in Zbrush or 3DCoat I don't see the point of putting serious development effort in these things.

I strongly disagree with this. There are a few powerful procedural landscape modeling tools out there, It would be nice to have that kind of functionality in Houdini out of the box. Procedural landscape/terrain is greatly needed and is something I am looking forward too! I can't wait to see what SideFX has done.
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