Help browser only searches Vex Functions

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This is thread is a branch off this thread: []

I'm using opensuse 10.0. and houdini 8.0.502 32 bit RHEL4 version.
I have also tried houdini 8.0495 RH9 version with same problem.

I am now able to search the help files BUT! I can only search Vex functions!?
I have tried to change the find options to operators, expressions, all, etc.
The results are always vex functions.

I have installed all the java packages through yast.

Anyone heard about this?


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I get this too on 8.0.492
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I was about to toss suse and go back to gentoo (thinking it was a java/opensuse probem), but now that I know you are having the same problem, I'll hang onto suse for a little while and see what comes of this.

You just saved me 2 days of compiling madness
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Well… we also use SuSE 10.0 here too….so ummm….

Anybody else?
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I seriously doubt it's distro-related. Certainly basic functionality like that tends not to differ between them unless you get an accompanying error on startup or something similar.

Edited by - Feb. 8, 2006 09:08:48
John Coldrick
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question removed
Edited by - Feb. 8, 2006 10:02:16
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I am suffering problems with the help search function too.
I am using Ubuntu 5.10, with Houdini 8.0.501.
Until the .492 version the search function work perfect, but from this version it isn't working correctly.
For example if i put in teh search field “opset” i don't get any result.
But if i put any term related to any VEX funciont i get results.
I think that it is a bug in the hel search engine.
Un saludo
Best Regards

Pablo Giménez
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Well, I reverted back to the production build 8.0.474 and the search is fine.
That'll teach me to deploy “cutting edge” builds!
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Yeah, somewhere after 474 the docs broke again ( Hopefully to be fixed soon! They're definately getting better though, 2 steps forward, one step back. I keep waiting for the next 2 steps forward )


Peter B
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Whew, so it's not just me.

I just switched to Suse last week because the docs broke completely on my Gentoo installation and the latest couple releases of Xorg/Nvidia drivers don't paly nice with Houdini. On Suse 10, I can only get search results from Vex reference and I'm still having problems with Xorg/Nvidia. X locks up if I open a lot of Dialogues or switch desktops rapidly. An easy way for me to reproduce the problem is to render a bunch of frames into a Mantra window, and try to save the sequence, if anyone at Sesi cares to look into it.
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Mark A posted some helpful stuff on the mailing list to get around lockups in Xorg. However, I've misplaced it ( I run SuSE10 on a dual Athlon 2000+ (1.66ghz) with Nvidia graphics, and I get lockups only occasionally. At school on a single 3.6ghz with Nvidia I have never gotten a lockup.


Peter B
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X locks up if I open a lot of Dialogues or switch desktops rapidly. An easy way for me to reproduce the problem is to render a bunch of frames into a Mantra window, and try to save the sequence, if anyone at Sesi cares to look into it.

I had these same problems when I installed suse. I got really frustrated at first but then I decided to fix it.
For some reason, getting the nvidia drivers from yast was crap for me, too many X problems. It's possible that I'm just stubborn and don't like the yast interface

I just downloaded the nvidia drivers and installed them by hand. Now X is rock solid for me with houdini. I do remember trying to hack the xorg.conf file and it not saving my changes (as root) on reboots. I think I had to boot with a dodgey xorg.conf and hack it in an interactive session. I can't remember really, I might have been drunk at the time. haha
I use windowmaker so I don't know if your problem WM related also.

Here's my driver specs and kernel:

/home/rickw> cat /proc/driver/nvidia/version
NVRM version: NVIDIA Linux x86_64 NVIDIA Kernel Module 1.0-8178 Wed Dec 14 16:58:07 PST 2005
GCC version: gcc version 4.0.2 20050901 (prerelease) (SUSE Linux)
/home/rickw> uname -r

Suse Linux 64bit
Houdini 8.0.474 (32 bit)

Hope this helps,

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Yeah, I always use the drivers from Nvidia's site. I'm using 8178 now. I've had these same problems in KDE 3.4, Window Maker (0.95 I think), Gnome 2.14, and some random version of Blackbox. Same problem on Suse and Gentoo. I thought maybe it was harware related, but this setup used to run fine (my xorg.conf is solid) and I've tested every piece of hardware pretty extensively. I've gone so far as to install water cooling (which I think is really stupid) because I thought maybe my CPU might be over heating. This computer is running a 6800 GT on a 3.4 Ghz Pentium, all clocked normally. I have another machine with a 6600 GT (PCIe) and an Athlon 3800 X2 that has the same problem but much worse.

I'm leaning towards it being an X problem more than an Nvidia problem because I've read a lot about people having this same problem with both Nvidia and ATI cards. The version of Xorg I have now on Suse is the same as the current version in Gentoo; Xorg version 6.8.2. The other thing is these problems started after I switched to a widescreen monitor and I read something about a bugfix in newer Nvidia Linux drivers for widescreen displays… Could be related, maybe, but like I said there seems to be an awful lot of people having this problem with the last couple of releases of Xorg. I've also tried using many past releases of Nvidia drivers, including ones that previously worked fine for me and I still have this problem.

Anyhow, here's some more info about my system..

Suse 10.0
Kernel version 2.6.15-8
gcc version 4.0.2

Various houdini versions build 474 an up.

Sorry about hijacking this thread…

BTW Rick, you might want to try the 64bit Debian build of Houdini. On my other machine It seemed to run fine on 64bit Suse, aside from X locking up, which I think is a separate issue.
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Just for the heck of it, Rick. Can you post the Nvidia section of your xorg.conf? I want to see what you have enabled and disabled.
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Just for the heck of it, Rick. Can you post the Nvidia section of your xorg.conf? I want to see what you have enabled and disabled.

Sure, mine is pretty basic. I like to keep it simple:

Section “Device”
BoardName “GeForce 6600 GT”
BusID “1:0:0”
Driver “nvidia”
Identifier "Device“
Option ”ShadowFB“ ”on“
Screen 0
VendorName ”NVidia"

I too have a wide screen monitor and i had to type in the modelines since X would not do this automagically. I think I found this on the gentoo forums or I went to one of those sites that does the calculations…..

# 1680x1050 @ 60.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 65.22 kHz; pclk: 147.14 MHz
Modeline “1680x1050_60.00” 147.14 1680 1784 1968 2256 1050 1051 1054 1087 -HSync +Vsyn

Also this machine has the AMD X2 3800+ and the GF 6600 GT (PCIE) as well.


I'll try the debian 64 bit build. Last time I had too many problems.
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Btw, going back to the original topic of this thread, the searching has been fixed, but it's not noted in the daily journals - thought everyone should know. hfs8.0.518(at least) and up has search spanning across all sections now. Yay!

Thanks to Wolfwood for being so persistent and checking the builds(mostly cuz he was grumpy about this ).


John Coldrick
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