Wedging Same Attribute on Different Nodes

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In this simplied hip I've made (that essentially reproduces a more complex network);

I accomplished what I wanted to be able to do using spare parameters - The set up has the geo and respective top nodes colored purple.

I don't mind this approach and in some ways prefer it. But for completeness in the hope of getting a better understanding of pdg…;

I had attempted with no luck to try an approach with the green colored nodes. I was wondering if there is something ‘simple’ I can do with these green colored nodes to accomplish the same as the purple colored ones?

I started off with Entagmas tut on using pdg for driving geometry variations. I did this with the red colored nodes. And it works fine in this approach so long as the attribute that is being driven in the network only occurs once or the need is ok with the same variation of the same attribute on different nodes,e.g. tx has same variations(wedged values) on one transform node and tx has same value variations on another transform node.

However, as I attemped(with the green nodes)to have different variations per same attribute on different nodes, it didn't work - with the exception of my purple nodes use of spare parameters.

The docs seem to indicate I could have done what I intended without spare parameters but I couldn't figure it out.

Feedback is appreciated - Thanks.
Edited by BabaJ - March 10, 2020 19:56:18

Wedge_Attributing.hiplc (164.5 KB)

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You can use a different attribute name for the different tx wedges. In the red case you could use a “tx1” and “tx2” for example, if you have different nodes that need a different set of transform values. Likewise for the green nodes - the attribute name doesn't have to match the name of the parm it's going to.
Edited by tpetrick - March 11, 2020 09:57:26

Screenshot from 2020-03-11 09-55-10.png (49.4 KB)

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Thanks tpetrick. Yes that's what I was originally doing but it didn't work.

I tried again today and it would only work if I deleted the bgeo files I was writing too.

Then with a ‘clean’ slate it works. I even then tried it with another different custom attribute name and it worked again, but I didn't have to delete the bgeo files this time.

I guess my initial files were somehow glitched up.

Thanks again for the tip.
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Do you have Cache Mode set to Automatic on the ROP you're using? If that's the case, PDG will use the existing files on disk if it finds them.
Edited by tpetrick - March 11, 2020 21:59:16
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I originally had my Cache Mode set to automatic (which was the set default). Having issues at the time I browsed the forums and seemed to come up with someone mentioned about setting it to write. I don't remember exactly when in the whole process I switched though, but I'm using it in write mode.
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Do you have Cache Mode set to Automatic on the ROP you're using? If that's the case, PDG will use the existing files on disk if it finds them.

Maybe it's not finding existing files? I just tried changing my set up with Cache Mode set to automatic. And the file is already there with the ROP pointing to it. But if I make changes to the attributes value and dirty/cook both the wedge and rop - that file doesn't update and reflect the changes.

If I however, return it to write mode - then when I dirty and cook those two nodes again - the file does get update with the new values.
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