Using an instancer to randomly assign material variants

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I am using an instancer to randomly choose geo variants of a given asset:

Is there a way I can get it to also randomly choose material variants?

(Currently, I have one material variant per geo asset, so is there a way to get each geo variant to randomly choose from all the material variants existing for the asset? If not, I'm happy to add material variants for each geo variant as well.)

Edited by AnsonSavage - Nov. 14, 2023 20:39:31

2023-11-14_18-37.png (2.3 MB)

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It is unclear from the image how you are creating all the asset prototypes with the different tree geo variant selections. But whatever method you are using to do that, you should also be able to use to select material variants. In terms of LOP nodes the Set Variant LOP can select a variant for each of a bunch of assets, and the Explore Variants LOP can create a bunch of asset prototypes with a variety of variant selections along multiple independent variant set "axes".
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