modelling question

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can anyone show me how to make a football (scoccer) in Houdini?
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Its kinda complicated

Tab->generators->platonic solids
choose soccer ball
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Ha Ha! tallkien!
Thank you for show me the way of making a football!
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I extruded and smoothed the football a bit! Now the model looks okay!
But I still do not know how to apply the UV for this model. How can I prepare that seamless texture map?

Can anyone help me?
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It's kinda complicated.

If you RMB over the SOP, then select spreadsheet and further select “All/Primitives” in the popup in the middle, you'll notice that the geo already comes with primitives that contain a colour attribute - either solid black or white. Instead of struggling to find a mapping that works, you can use these attributes in your shader to shade the ball given the work has already been done for you.

In VOPs, make a surface shader, inside that place a Lighting Model and connect it to the Cf out. Assign it to the object. Now place a ShadingLayer VOP in the shader, change it to “RGB Color”, and connect that to the diffuse input for the Lighting Model. Render. Voila.

You could fiddle with the colours in the SOP network before pumping out, although it's probably a little more elegant to deal with them in the shader, assuming you're getting either solid black or white, and treat them based on that to get less harsh colours.


John Coldrick
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Drats! There goes trying to sell that on ebay ….
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thank you for giving me those tips!
I think the vops things are just too deep for me at the moment. (I could only know how to build the surface shader there) I think I will get back there again once I know more about vops. Thanks again anyway! It is definatly an interesting exercise for me!
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