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Houdini Engine for Unreal » HDA not working UE5
- gt3d2019
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rather than using the subnetwork input, you can use an object merge(with its object field put into the asset parameters.)
Houdini Engine for Unreal » When will the ue5 preview version be supported?
- gt3d2019
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would be great if someone could post the binaries, Unreal feels half the program without Houdini Engine and not all of us have experience compiling from source
Technical Discussion » Curves with per point Rotation angles for a Roller Coaster
- gt3d2019
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Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Straighten UVs
- gt3d2019
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Houdini for Realtime » HDA Very Slow with Mesh Distance Fields in UE4
- gt3d2019
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I havent had need to use it yet, but under mesh generation hda details the default is set to generate raw mesh which goes through all the unreal import options, you could try switching it to Houdini mesh,which in theory gives you a more simple mesh, then revert when yer settings are what you want
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » HDAs in Unreal, can they be used at runtime?
- gt3d2019
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Technical Discussion » vellum fighting damping ratio
- gt3d2019
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Not sure if it will help in your case but could drop down a Vellum Reference Frame node and try the compensation sliders there.
Houdini Engine for Unreal » "No valid Houdini Engine session"
- gt3d2019
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Did you copy the engine binaries into Unreal? if you go into your Houdini install directory and look in engine/unreal you will see the HoudiniEngine folder, you need to manually copy that into your UE4.26?Engine/Plugins/Runtime folder
Technical Discussion » Auto scaling and moving heightfield
- gt3d2019
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You can use a matchsize node to move and scale the heightfield in X and Z, you can also set the heightfield resolution by axis so the scale down wont affect the res of the height field
Houdini Engine for Unreal » Houdini Engine - UE4 [HDA animation]
- gt3d2019
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Houdini Engine will only generate a static mesh, alembic skeletal mesh workflow might work for you?
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Houdini unable to unwrap procedural cliff mesh
- gt3d2019
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thats strange as from the same file I get this result, it maybe the remesh is producing a different mesh on my machine, I'm not sure.
The first pic is my result from the last file. The second image is from a 2nd attempt, this time using instant meshes to get a more low poly result(around 45,000)that unwraps a bit quicker, around 45seconds(same setup you have but with a Threadripper 2990)
you would need to install instant meshes for this new Hip file. []
How do you figure these things? I'd say with Houdini the real benefit is drilling down into what its actually doing, and what it needs to do it, in this case the mesh slice is a simple 1 node way to split the model up(providing additional border seams) then providing a primitive attribute for each slice that lets you stick it in the loop, and then you can put it into single pass mode(in the foreach_end node) that allows you view each iteration, just comes over time I guess as you encounter a problem, drill down into a solution and hopefully gain a bit more insight that helps with other aspects also.
The first pic is my result from the last file. The second image is from a 2nd attempt, this time using instant meshes to get a more low poly result(around 45,000)that unwraps a bit quicker, around 45seconds(same setup you have but with a Threadripper 2990)
you would need to install instant meshes for this new Hip file. []
How do you figure these things? I'd say with Houdini the real benefit is drilling down into what its actually doing, and what it needs to do it, in this case the mesh slice is a simple 1 node way to split the model up(providing additional border seams) then providing a primitive attribute for each slice that lets you stick it in the loop, and then you can put it into single pass mode(in the foreach_end node) that allows you view each iteration, just comes over time I guess as you encounter a problem, drill down into a solution and hopefully gain a bit more insight that helps with other aspects also.
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Houdini unable to unwrap procedural cliff mesh
- gt3d2019
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This almost gets there, looks to be just the one small area of overlap, could play with the auto seams parms..
Technical Discussion » UV tips for texturing complex patterns in substance painter
- gt3d2019
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.... so I'm looking to get super comfortable in this area. Thanks much for any assistance.
you could also look at using UDIMs for that density of mesh.
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Houdini Learning Materials » attribvop: basic questions
- gt3d2019
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no expert myself, but usually I'd split out @P into floats using vector to float node, then apply a single constant add to the mid slot(Y) then recombine into a float to vector and then goes into yer @P in geometryvopoutput
Houdini Engine for Unreal » Houdini Engine for Unreal - Version 2
- gt3d2019
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just a thought but sometimes I have to go into the Houdini Engine menu in UE and select Create Session, usually its on at the start but not always for me
Houdini Engine for Unreal » UE5 + Nanite = Perf Hit ?
- gt3d2019
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I've just started playing around UE5 and V2 Engine, I was trying to see if I could enable Nanite through Uproperties attribute but with no joy, so for the moment the engine is still generating a normal static mesh (when set to raw mesh).
I'm thinking that with these super dense meshes you would want to be using a switch in your HDA to use your own proxy mesh(and also set to Houdiniproxy in the engine details panel) then for output switch to the dense mesh, bake out and manually convert to Nanite.
Just a thought at this early stage, I could be completely wrong
I'm thinking that with these super dense meshes you would want to be using a switch in your HDA to use your own proxy mesh(and also set to Houdiniproxy in the engine details panel) then for output switch to the dense mesh, bake out and manually convert to Nanite.
Just a thought at this early stage, I could be completely wrong

Houdini for Realtime » Materials to Unreal
- gt3d2019
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a good solution to bringing in Materials with texures into Unreal would be a massive boost, I'm suprised that its not more widely tackled, its a simple enough manual task with a few assets but when you get into serious amount of textured materials it can kill the 'procedural thrill' of ambitious scenes
MARDINI Daily Challenge 2021 » Day 22 Animation | Creatures | Crawl
- gt3d2019
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MARDINI Daily Challenge 2021 » Day 21 Animation | Creatures | Run
- gt3d2019
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MARDINI Daily Challenge 2021 » Day 19 Animation | Worlds | Rural
- gt3d2019
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