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Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Finding inside or outside facing primitives
- robsdesign
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Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Finding inside or outside facing primitives
- robsdesign
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Yeh, I'd normally use this to promote seams/edges but they were looking for inside/outside so prims made more sense. In this example, the promote isn't needed but it may be useful to know for other scenarios.
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Finding inside or outside facing primitives
- robsdesign
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Hi, you can try two attribute promote sops. 1st after the extrude, 2nd after the bevel. Depending on the topology and what sops you are using, you can often (not always) keep point groups through a chain. I've attached a hip and screenshot.
Technical Discussion » Change default location for new projects
- robsdesign
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As far as I'm aware, Set Project is used for $JOB. $HIP is the current location of the Houdini file so Set Project won't (and shouldn't) change $HIP. Unless I'm misunderstanding something?
Edited by robsdesign - Feb. 4, 2023 04:11:10
Technical Discussion » Change default location for new projects
- robsdesign
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Not sure if this helps but here is how I setup projects...
I've already added D:/Art/Projects as a shortcut to the file browser using the "+" icon in the bottom left of file browser.
1. File>New Project
2. Type Project_Name
3. Use file browser icon, Select D:/Art/Projects
4. File>Save As
5. Click $JOB, Type in PN_v1.hiplc
Folder structure looks like this D:/Art/Projects/Project_Name/PN_v1.hiplc
Once this structure is setup, I use $HIP for file references (instead of $JOB) to avoid potential issues in the future.
I've already added D:/Art/Projects as a shortcut to the file browser using the "+" icon in the bottom left of file browser.
1. File>New Project
2. Type Project_Name
3. Use file browser icon, Select D:/Art/Projects
4. File>Save As
5. Click $JOB, Type in PN_v1.hiplc
Folder structure looks like this D:/Art/Projects/Project_Name/PN_v1.hiplc
Once this structure is setup, I use $HIP for file references (instead of $JOB) to avoid potential issues in the future.
Technical Discussion » Exporting OBJ from Houdini
- robsdesign
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To export to a specific folder, clicking the icon highlighted in the screenshot will open a file browser. Manually typing in the location is an option if you use the full structure or know how to use $HIP, $JOB etc.
Technical Discussion » problems with the rig and the bonecapturebiharmonic node.
- robsdesign
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That hip file just references a fbx file (aka it's just a link to a file on your computer). You can either upload the fbx file or embed it into the hip by using the "lock" on the node.
Also, it'd be better to upload the actual hip file you mention in your first post (with the bonecapture, error, etc) instead of this blank one.
Also, it'd be better to upload the actual hip file you mention in your first post (with the bonecapture, error, etc) instead of this blank one.
Edited by robsdesign - Jan. 13, 2023 05:47:45
Technical Discussion » problems with the rig and the bonecapturebiharmonic node.
- robsdesign
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martyna16Attribute delete sop and select the weights attributes
thanks for the reply, but how do I manually delete the existing weight attributes on the model?
Technical Discussion » Fully bevelled grid isn't a circle
- robsdesign
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For subdividing a box into a sphere, you can also use a ray sop to project it onto a sphere. You may be able to use ray for your scenario but it's probably quicker to just extrude-bevel-delete.
Technical Discussion » Bevel corners of a grid in "crease" mode
- robsdesign
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Hi, I've shown 4 basic workarounds. Not sure if they'll be suitable for anything other than a grid though...
1) Use clip and reference the grid size and offsets.
2) Extrude, bevel, keep front and match size to recenter it.
3) Extrude, bevel, keep back and reverse. (in case you don't want to extrude/recenter)
4) Use inset (albeit with different results)
1) Use clip and reference the grid size and offsets.
2) Extrude, bevel, keep front and match size to recenter it.
3) Extrude, bevel, keep back and reverse. (in case you don't want to extrude/recenter)
4) Use inset (albeit with different results)
Technical Discussion » problems with the rig and the bonecapturebiharmonic node.
- robsdesign
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Really hard to diagnose without a hip file. It sounds like the weights already exist on the model but I'd assume that "Destroy Existing Weights" should remove them. Maybe try manually deleting any existing weight attributes on the model before the bone capture?
If the skeleton moves and the model doesn't, it sounds like a naming issue caused by the above. ie. Bone capture fails which keeps the existing weights that are named differently to your skeleton.
Either try deleting weights so bone capture works or edit/rename your skeleton to match the existing weights (but the latter is unlikely to work).
If the skeleton moves and the model doesn't, it sounds like a naming issue caused by the above. ie. Bone capture fails which keeps the existing weights that are named differently to your skeleton.
Either try deleting weights so bone capture works or edit/rename your skeleton to match the existing weights (but the latter is unlikely to work).
Technical Discussion » Houdini grooming length interpolation
- robsdesign
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There are a few methods that might work:
1) Paint some attributes onto the skin and use them to alter the front hair.
2) Paint some attributes onto the skin and use clumping.
3) Use more guide hairs and alter the influence radius.
4) Combine any of the above (ie. Paint an influence radius attribute on the skin)
Attributes can be used like masks to separate guide processes on specific parts of the hair.
Adding guide hairs before a groom will probably break it so you may want to try Reguide after your groom instead.
1) Paint some attributes onto the skin and use them to alter the front hair.
2) Paint some attributes onto the skin and use clumping.
3) Use more guide hairs and alter the influence radius.
4) Combine any of the above (ie. Paint an influence radius attribute on the skin)
Attributes can be used like masks to separate guide processes on specific parts of the hair.
Adding guide hairs before a groom will probably break it so you may want to try Reguide after your groom instead.
Houdini Lounge » Hide object but leave reflections
- robsdesign
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It's been a while since I've used Mantra so I haven't looked at the updated workflows for this. ie. Last time I checked, it was done using Extra Image Planes on the Mantra ROP but after a quick search, I can see the following; [] []
Not sure if there is a non-Karma version of the first link but that looks like the more recent workflow. [] []
Not sure if there is a non-Karma version of the first link but that looks like the more recent workflow.
Houdini Lounge » Hide object but leave reflections
- robsdesign
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If you are using Mantra: Go to the render tab on the fire geometry. On Render Visibility, either type -primary or use the drop down "Invisible to Primary Rays (Phantom)"
If you are using Redshift: Go to Redshift OBJ>Visibility tab on the fire geometry and uncheck "Primary Ray Visible".
If you are using something else: I don't know.
If you are using Redshift: Go to Redshift OBJ>Visibility tab on the fire geometry and uncheck "Primary Ray Visible".
If you are using something else: I don't know.
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Extruded Curves stay as curve when extruded how to fix ?
- robsdesign
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Hi, I've shown two methods marked in green and blue.
The first method (green) would be to sort out the issue upstream. I've used the patch group from polyfill and delete non-selected. However, this will mess up your selections downstream due to the point numbers changing.
The second method (blue) is to use the grouping from the polyextrudes in the same way at the end of the stream.
Both methods are based on grouping everything apart from the curve so it'll depend on how you've built the model.
The first method (green) would be to sort out the issue upstream. I've used the patch group from polyfill and delete non-selected. However, this will mess up your selections downstream due to the point numbers changing.
The second method (blue) is to use the grouping from the polyextrudes in the same way at the end of the stream.
Both methods are based on grouping everything apart from the curve so it'll depend on how you've built the model.
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » How to select extrudedSide by excluding the out faces
- robsdesign
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Hi Hazar,
Houdini does have grouping by angle. It's on the group sop under Include By Edges where you can set min/max angle. The problem is it won't help with this particular grouping.
This is all assuming you need procedural grouping. If you don't and nothing changes upstream, probably quicker/easier to just select the group manually. (to select loops: left-click poly, hold shift+a, middle-click next poly)
Houdini does have grouping by angle. It's on the group sop under Include By Edges where you can set min/max angle. The problem is it won't help with this particular grouping.
This is all assuming you need procedural grouping. If you don't and nothing changes upstream, probably quicker/easier to just select the group manually. (to select loops: left-click poly, hold shift+a, middle-click next poly)
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » How to select extrudedSide by excluding the out faces
- robsdesign
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Hi, I've attached a hip file showing two methods, I expect there are others.
The first method will only work with that particular shape as it uses a bounding box group. The second method relies on doing the extrude after you have the group (so you can use extrude's front/back grouping to intersect with the previous extrudeside).
The first method will only work with that particular shape as it uses a bounding box group. The second method relies on doing the extrude after you have the group (so you can use extrude's front/back grouping to intersect with the previous extrudeside).
Technical Discussion » How to make long curvy hair?
- robsdesign
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I mainly use two methods for long hair depending on the style;
1) Place manual guide hairs (without curls) and use guide process to add curls. (Green)
I've only shown a few guides to show the general idea and you'd probably want to start from the sides/bottom and work upward in layers. It does require a lot of manual placement but this is useful for very specific hairstyles. This method has improved since the addition of the new curve tool which allows you to select and move multiple (or all) points in a curve.
Overall, you'll probably have more than 100 points but not in a single curve if that's what you mean (using guide process to add curls instead).
2) Use standard guide hairs, curl/style using guide process, use vellum to drape/collide hair. (Red)
This will save time with guides but may take longer overall to find suitable simulation settings if you need something specific.
I've attached a hip file showing the basic idea behind both of the above.
I mainly use two methods for long hair depending on the style;
1) Place manual guide hairs (without curls) and use guide process to add curls. (Green)
I've only shown a few guides to show the general idea and you'd probably want to start from the sides/bottom and work upward in layers. It does require a lot of manual placement but this is useful for very specific hairstyles. This method has improved since the addition of the new curve tool which allows you to select and move multiple (or all) points in a curve.
Overall, you'll probably have more than 100 points but not in a single curve if that's what you mean (using guide process to add curls instead).
2) Use standard guide hairs, curl/style using guide process, use vellum to drape/collide hair. (Red)
This will save time with guides but may take longer overall to find suitable simulation settings if you need something specific.
I've attached a hip file showing the basic idea behind both of the above.
Houdini Lounge » What holds yourself/studio from adopting Houdini more?
- robsdesign
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What might be confusing people is that those sops are actually called Distance Along/From. Mask Along/From is the exact same sop but renamed and with the mask option toggled on. (See screenshot)
Both show up in Houdini's tab search but searching the internet will probably just show Distance Along/From because that's the actual sop name.
If I remember correctly (probably not) the Distance Along/From was introduced as a replacement for Falloff in around H18.
I think Mask Along/From was added more recently as a shortcut for the mask toggled on. (I'm not sure why as it seems a bit overkill to me)
Both show up in Houdini's tab search but searching the internet will probably just show Distance Along/From because that's the actual sop name.
If I remember correctly (probably not) the Distance Along/From was introduced as a replacement for Falloff in around H18.
I think Mask Along/From was added more recently as a shortcut for the mask toggled on. (I'm not sure why as it seems a bit overkill to me)
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Creating a single face from a voronoi made to a sphere
- robsdesign
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Hi, I'm not sure if this is what you're after but I've attached a hip file + screenshot that shows how you can group unshared edges and dissolve everything else.
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