Thank you!
One more thing: can you make “Lion Fullscreen” please?
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Houdini Lounge » OSX LION
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Houdini Lounge » OSX LION
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11.0.811 should be good to go now.
Daily build 11.0.811 doesn't content OSX installation.
The last daily build for mac is 11.0.810. Am I right?
Houdini Lounge » Houdini @ OSX Leon?
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Good morning!
As you definitely know, the new OSX, Leon, will out 19 of July this year.
Will Houdini work under this system or will I get a problems?
Thank you in advance!
As you definitely know, the new OSX, Leon, will out 19 of July this year.
Will Houdini work under this system or will I get a problems?
Thank you in advance!
Technical Discussion » Best way to spend $2000 on a Houdini system?
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Solution quite simple:
1. to build PC based hackintosh with retail Snow Leopard OS (around $500-800)
2. donate the rest money for the lessons (ever for mine :roll: )
Good luck!
1. to build PC based hackintosh with retail Snow Leopard OS (around $500-800)
2. donate the rest money for the lessons (ever for mine :roll: )
Good luck!
Work in Progress » Houdini as an Maya Voxelizer tool
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Just another test with seamless data exchange between Maya and Houdini…

The process quite simple:
my tool collect the data in Maya, call Houdini for solution (ever Apprentice version), and then grabbing an result back in to Maya.
Vimeo realtime video []
If you wann, you can jump to Houdini network and twick desired parameters in realtime and then get back results in Maya scene…
The WIP target is: to get stable and fast solution of the objects voxelisation (including RBD simulation).
Just another test with seamless data exchange between Maya and Houdini…

The process quite simple:
my tool collect the data in Maya, call Houdini for solution (ever Apprentice version), and then grabbing an result back in to Maya.
Vimeo realtime video []
If you wann, you can jump to Houdini network and twick desired parameters in realtime and then get back results in Maya scene…
The WIP target is: to get stable and fast solution of the objects voxelisation (including RBD simulation).
Work in Progress » Procedural Tubes
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Work in Progress » Adaptive Destruction
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Some work began…
Smooth, predictable and user friendly.
This example is captured in realtime. More on my vimeo accaunt.
Smooth, predictable and user friendly.
This example is captured in realtime. More on my vimeo accaunt.

Technical Discussion » Bullet physics implementation and other stuff
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cybermaxThat could be cool to have another option, something like “weariness”.
I just create constraints. Then When I simulating I check force on every constraints and If force is bigger than toler force, I delete constraints from the scene.
I mean - the constrain can be deleted after many-many “light” damages…
Work in Progress » Maya as Houdini modeling tool :)
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Technical Discussion » Parameter name won't to rise up with coursor
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Technical Discussion » [HOM]: get the list of Float Point Attributes
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The target for my code is to get strings for each attributes, primitive, points and vertices.
The reason to parse the types and sizes of attributes - wrong values in “universal” methods.
As I wrote before:
- not equal of , isn't?
When you'll parse this strings later, in another CG pakage, you'll get tuples for first example and integers for second.
I hope you understand what I mean…
Thank you for your time anyway!
The reason to parse the types and sizes of attributes - wrong values in “universal” methods.
As I wrote before:
- not equal of , isn't?
When you'll parse this strings later, in another CG pakage, you'll get tuples for first example and integers for second.
I hope you understand what I mean…
Thank you for your time anyway!
Technical Discussion » [HOM]: get the list of Float Point Attributes
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One more things about single attribute length:
for integer we'll get: but the right array will be:
For float attributes we'll get:but the right will be:
So, better scropt will be:
for attr in pointAttrArray:
if attr.dataType() == hou.attribData.Float:
if attr.size() > 1:
pointvalue = point.floatListAttribValue(attr)
pointvalue = point.floatAttribValue(attr)
elif attr.dataType() == hou.attribData.Int:
if attr.size() > 1:
pointvalue = point.intListAttribValue(attr)
pointvalue = point.intAttribValue(attr)
elif attr.dataType() == hou.attribData.String:
if attr.size() > 1:
pointvalue = point.stringListAttribValue(attr)
pointvalue = point.stringAttribValue(
But once again, this is not critical bug (till we'll start parsing result)
for integer we'll get: but the right array will be:
For float attributes we'll get:but the right will be:
So, better scropt will be:
for attr in pointAttrArray:
if attr.dataType() == hou.attribData.Float:
if attr.size() > 1:
pointvalue = point.floatListAttribValue(attr)
pointvalue = point.floatAttribValue(attr)
elif attr.dataType() == hou.attribData.Int:
if attr.size() > 1:
pointvalue = point.intListAttribValue(attr)
pointvalue = point.intAttribValue(attr)
elif attr.dataType() == hou.attribData.String:
if attr.size() > 1:
pointvalue = point.stringListAttribValue(attr)
pointvalue = point.stringAttribValue(
But once again, this is not critical bug (till we'll start parsing result)
Technical Discussion » [HOM]: get the list of Float Point Attributes
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Thank you, graham, for spending your time for answers!
Actually, I am getting all attributes (prim, point and vertex) in one loop through geometry vertices.
Like that:
for prim in geo.prims():
for attr in primAttrArray:
<to do something with primitive attributes>
vtxList = geo.iterPrims().vertices()
for vertex in vtxList:
point = vertex.point()
Here I need to check: “Do we've passed this point already?” (to avoid redundant information)
If not - then get this point attributes.
if not points_db.has_key(point.number()):
points_db = point
# — getting the point attributes —
for attr in pointAttrArray:
if attr.dataType() == hou.attribData.Float:
pointvalue = point.floatListAttribValue(attr)
elif attr.dataType() == hou.attribData.Int:
pointvalue = point.intListAttribValue(attr)
elif attr.dataType() == hou.attribData.String:
if attr.size() > 1:
pointvalue = point.stringListAttribValue(attr)
pointvalue = point.stringAttribValue(
pointAttribs_db = str(pointvalue)
# — getting the vertex attributes —
for attr in vtxAttrArray:
<To do something with vertices>
After all, I would report not critical, but very noty bag for string attribute.
I have to check the size of point string attribute. And to use point.stringAttribValue() - for single size or point.stringListAttribValue() - for bigger.
Help telling me:
But in real I will get (for string attribute):
but not right value:
… just for your case.
Actually, I am getting all attributes (prim, point and vertex) in one loop through geometry vertices.
Like that:
for prim in geo.prims():
for attr in primAttrArray:
<to do something with primitive attributes>
vtxList = geo.iterPrims().vertices()
for vertex in vtxList:
point = vertex.point()
Here I need to check: “Do we've passed this point already?” (to avoid redundant information)
If not - then get this point attributes.
if not points_db.has_key(point.number()):
points_db = point
# — getting the point attributes —
for attr in pointAttrArray:
if attr.dataType() == hou.attribData.Float:
pointvalue = point.floatListAttribValue(attr)
elif attr.dataType() == hou.attribData.Int:
pointvalue = point.intListAttribValue(attr)
elif attr.dataType() == hou.attribData.String:
if attr.size() > 1:
pointvalue = point.stringListAttribValue(attr)
pointvalue = point.stringAttribValue(
pointAttribs_db = str(pointvalue)
# — getting the vertex attributes —
for attr in vtxAttrArray:
<To do something with vertices>
After all, I would report not critical, but very noty bag for string attribute.
I have to check the size of point string attribute. And to use point.stringAttribValue() - for single size or point.stringListAttribValue() - for bigger.
Help telling me:
It is valid to call this method when the attribute’s size is 1. In this case, a tuple with one element is returned.
But in real I will get (for string attribute):
('', ‘string text’)
but not right value:
'string text'
… just for your case.
Technical Discussion » [HOM]: vertex attributes data collector trik?
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What will be better for vertex data collection:
1. Iterate through all vertices of mesh.
2. a) Facet SOP with “Unique Points” option On.
b) Attribute Promote SOP with all vertices attributes promoted to points.
c) Collect the data as hou.Geometry.pointFloatAttribValues(
UPD: I see one only problem here - point order are edifferent from source vertices order…
So, what do you think?
Thank you in advance!
What will be better for vertex data collection:
1. Iterate through all vertices of mesh.
2. a) Facet SOP with “Unique Points” option On.
b) Attribute Promote SOP with all vertices attributes promoted to points.
c) Collect the data as hou.Geometry.pointFloatAttribValues(
UPD: I see one only problem here - point order are edifferent from source vertices order…
So, what do you think?
Thank you in advance!
Technical Discussion » [HOM]: get the list of Float Point Attributes
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One more question, about vertices.
As I can understand, I have to iterate through all primitives and all they vertices to collect, for example, uv and N attributes?
That would be great to get the vtx list from hou.Geometry, similar as for the points… That could save a lot of performance on huge meshes…
REALLY hope to future implementation.
As I can understand, I have to iterate through all primitives and all they vertices to collect, for example, uv and N attributes?
That would be great to get the vtx list from hou.Geometry, similar as for the points… That could save a lot of performance on huge meshes…
REALLY hope to future implementation.
Technical Discussion » [HOM]: get the list of Float Point Attributes
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One more similar question:
Can I get string attribute on points by the similar way (in one pass?)
Thank you!
Can I get string attribute on points by the similar way (in one pass?)
Thank you!
Technical Discussion » [HOM]: get the list of Float Point Attributes
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Technical Discussion » [HOM]: get the list of Float Point Attributes
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Probably silly question…
I can get the float attribute value by parsing points of my geometry:
pointAttrArray = geo.pointAttribs()
for attr in pointAttrArray:
if == “P”: # <– or another point float attribute
for point in geo.points():
print point.floatListAttribValue(
The question is:
Is it possible to get complete list of float values stright from geo?
Something like geo.floatListAttribValue(“P”)
Thank you in advance!
Probably silly question…
I can get the float attribute value by parsing points of my geometry:
pointAttrArray = geo.pointAttribs()
for attr in pointAttrArray:
if == “P”: # <– or another point float attribute
for point in geo.points():
print point.floatListAttribValue(
The question is:
Is it possible to get complete list of float values stright from geo?
Something like geo.floatListAttribValue(“P”)
Thank you in advance!
Technical Discussion » [HOM]: how to create the string attribute?
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Technical Discussion » [HOM]: how to create the string attribute?
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