wondering if its possible to get a filtered list of attributes obtained via HOM using houdinis pattern matching syntax. we currently filter with python regex, but a user wants to be able to work with houdinis pattern matching syntax:
* Matches any string. ? Matches any single character.
Matches any of the characters between the square brackets. This does not support character ranges using a hyphen (you cannot do ). ^pattern Removes strings matching pattern from the previous match.
still not having much luck… a node can glob paths this way.. but im looking to basically filter an arbitary list of strings (no invocation on the node) using houdinis pattern matching logic … i know theres code in the hdk to do this, but i wondered if some script gurus could point me in a direction before i attempt to implement a custom hom dso. maybe thats the only way?
I'm afraid there isn't really really anything available for pattern matching with Houdini's pattern syntax other than the things you've mentioned.
I'm not sure if it's been RFE'd though. I can see both pattern matching for attribute searching, as well as more general matching on a list of strings as good RFE ideas though.
Graham Thompson, Technical Artist @ Rockstar Games
Thanks Johner! I've been playing around with extending the hou module to use the hdk to do houdini pattern matching, but so far i can only figure out how to do pretty much the same thing.
Anyone know whats happening under the hood in the Attribute Sops' | Delete Attributes field? This is exactly what i want.. any ideas where to look in the hdk for this implementation? at some level there has to be some string matching happening.. I would just be surprised to discover if its simply UT_String::matchPattern