auto-load DA from a specific folder everytime houdini start?

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hi, everybody,

I put all the digital assets in a specific folder on a specific drive, say DHoudini Digital Assets

Is it possible to configure Houdini so that every time it starts it'll load all the DAs from that specific folder no matter where my current working file is saved?

Manually install all the DAs used in a hip file if it is moved to other place is just too tedious……

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OS and custom otl paths
You can add custom search paths to the houdini.env file and also add statements to alter and change features within Houdini.

Otl’s choice 1 : - create a folder named “otls” and place it in your houdini $home directory.This folder will then get picked up when Houdini starts up. An example path would be /sideeast/houdini9.5/otls

Otls choice 2 : is to create a custom path in the houdini.env file. This file path in osx is :- Users/Library/Preferences/houdini/9.5/houdini.env .
Then add this path ie HOUDINI_OTLSCAN_PATH=/Volumes/My_HD/Houdini_proj/otls;&

In a shell you can print the current values of all Houdini environment variables using hconfig -a

Edited by - May 21, 2010 07:25:47
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And don't put spaces in your directory names or file names. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.
Spaces can mess up some things.
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Thanks, circusmonkey and Jeff!

I follow your suggestion by adding the path of folder where I store my DAs to the houdini.env file.

Now, everytime I open houdini a dialogue box will jump out saying that the DA in that folder is developed in non-commercial version of houdini and whether I want to load it or not.

This happens for every DA in that folder and it's quite disturbing because I have to manually hit “yes” for each of these warning message windows.

So, is there a way to make houdini “silently” load DAs (in a folder which is not located in the $hone directory) in background when starting?

BTW, can you kindly tell me what “HOUDINI_OTL_PATH” specifies?

Thanks again!

(I'm using Houdini 10.0.595 apprentice)
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Now, everytime I open houdini a dialogue box will jump out saying that the DA in that folder is developed in non-commercial version of houdini and whether I want to load it or not.

This happens for every DA in that folder and it's quite disturbing because I have to manually hit “yes” for each of these warning message windows.

Well i would expect that , after all if I was using a commercial version of Houdini I would not want to load in otls created with apprentice. What happens if you keep them in your default $HOME otl directory.

BTW, can you kindly tell me what “HOUDINI_OTL_PATH” specifies?

Its telling houdini please search “this path” for otls

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you can add multiples paths using : after each
HOUDINI_OTLSCAN_PATH=/Volumes/My_HD/Houdini_proj/otls;& : /another/path;&

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