Exporting Maya Animation To Houdini

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Hi, I'm working on a student project. FX team does their own thing in Houdini while animation is being done in MAYA. Now that the animation is done we need to import it to Houdini so we can do our part. But we can't get the animations into HOUDINI. I've checked out sites like:

http://animbyu.groups.et.byu.net/wiki/index.php?title=Houdini_and_Maya#mBgeo [animbyu.groups.et.byu.net]

But the plug in wont work. If anyone knows how to get the animations into Houdini please lend a hand. Thanks in advance.
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use FBX import

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I tried importing via “Filmbox FBX” The animations still aren't showing up.
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If you can't get the mBgeo plugin to work, when you export FBX from Maya, you have to create an animation cache first, then export the FBX, checking the animation checkboxes. The FBX page explains this in the Houdini docs.

Also, you can write an obj export from Maya with the following Python code (change the file name to what you want, and the location as well - it exports whatever you have selected for the scene's length:

import maya.cmds as cmds

selectedObjects = cmds.ls(sl=True)


endFr = cmds.playbackOptions (query=True, max=True)

print endFr

while a <= endFr:

fileName = “test.” + str(a)
cmds.file (rename='/tmp/'+fileName)
cmds.file (es=True, typ='OBJexport', pr=True)
a = a + 1

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