basic knowledge for understanding procedural workflow

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hi……i have a couple of questions…and i would really appreciate serious answers….i am trying to learn Houdini and/or ICE…i've played a bit with softimage (the best software so far), maya, c4d…but i think the reusability of ICE compounds and Houdini assets is the future, and black box notion of (max, maya, c4d..) tools is slowly going to dissapear…so, what is the basic knowledge to acquire for understanding this node-based procedural workflow?…to understand this visual data flow…i mean, from the start,then proceeding to next stages…i am interested in FX, dynamics, fluid sims, eventually writing shaders, stuff like that…differences between ICE and Houdini?…which part of math and physics is necessary for CG?…which programming lang. to learn - C++, Python, OpenGL?…how much of the programming (coding) concepts (if not all) are translated into this visual programming…does it all belong to object-oriented paradigm (classes, objects…) or do I need to know more than that?…is C++ the best language to learn for CG, or is Python enough?…heh, i know i'm asking a lot…but this simplicity of ICE/Houdini interface is what's killing me,its built perfectly, because the only true limit is my own imagination…and that's where the problem lies…everything is in front of me…but i don't know how to start properly, don't want to just throw nodes and connect them randomly, because it will get me nowhere without the proper basic knowledge…so, if anyone could, please, point me in the right direction…thanks
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Well, the best way is always to jump in head first with some basic tutorials. If they start talking about concepts you don't understand, then put them aside and go look for information relating to those concepts. Slowly, but surely, you will get a better sense of the big picture.

Don't worry about math or physics skills yet, unless you know you want to be purely technical or you are just curious. As you dive deeper into CG and get a better sense of what is going on at a low level, you will be able to learn the math and physics behind CG at a pace that makes sense for you.

As for programming, I would say that is completely up to you. I started 3D (about a year ago) with a background in programming, and it definitely influenced the direction I took (hence Houdini). If you wanted to pick up a language, I would say without a doubt start with Python.

I think the way you approach Houdini will be determined by your background and goals. The only way to really understand this node based, procedural approach to 3D is by just messing around with it. Look at the tutorials, and when they do something or use terms you don't understand, do some research. Look it up in the Houdini docs, ask around on forums, find other tutorials…etc. I'm just starting to learn Houdini as well and this is what I plan on doing
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aaaand here is the most important lesson;

just when you think it cannot be done, and you get that ichy urge to "let me just jump back in maya, it will take me a second and I know how to do it…


remember, the challenge here is that you are building a procedural system and learning a new skill, which, when completed, will be incredibly efficient and scalable. Eventually you will get to the answers very quickly and become quite prominent at using the right setup
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One thing you should always remember is other applications want to be like Houdini not the other way around. Ice is an attempt to copy Houdini and Maya assets are an attempt to copy the otl asset type workflow in Houdini.

The best way to get to grips with Houdini is to understand how the data flows around then you can do anything within the Houdini framework. Crack open the example files for the point SOP and MMB on the nodes and watch what happens to the data as its manipulated.

Gone fishing
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@gileni :
i could had start to write my own experience here , but nothing sums it up better than the word quoted below :


// perfect as a slogan !

in addition to that , as Rob , said ; it is a 25 years old proven Philosophy ,

.. which today many are trying to follow .

time is precious . thats the only regret i have with my own ‘ story ’ .

except the things that cannot be seen , nothing is like it seems .
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yep…time is precious…i'm just a beginner in this, and not a kid anymore, 37 years old, with great respect for 3D world, because it's a mixture of all arts and a lot of science, especially in houdini, …to create something reusable (and tweakable to death) from scratch, and not relying on given high-level immutable tools, like other softwares, they are maybe easier to grasp and offer scripting possibilities (MEL,Maxscript…), but nowhere near what houdini gives with its low-level access and node-based visual programming style (maybe ICE)…even modelling is completely different from all other softs…and it's the future…just my conclusion…..i have zillions of math, physics and programming tutorials…heh, i haven't watched them all…i know it's nuts to have all these,it's just so damn interesting…but it's difficult to go through it all, without the right path…after watching some houdini tuts, where is always talk about expressions, variables, functions, path referencing, UNIX syntax,vectors, matrices, point-based transformations, etc.,…i can play with nodes like everybody, but i'll get stuck somewhere soon…so, what part of math, physics or programming are the most useful for beginning to understand houdini better?…linear algebra, trig?…i'm not a tech guy, but i wanna get there, with a great will to learn….and RESISTING to go to other softs…ok, i won't bother you anymore…thx anyway
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