modelling question

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I just went through a 3dbuzz's head modelling tutorial. I found the sop network will be very long after building a head model.(it contains heaps of nodes) I am asking if there is any way that I can make the sop network more compact? so it can save more ram. (like merging layers in Photoshop)

May I have your advice please?
thank you for your attentions!
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Wow! For the first time, you didn't say “I am a student…”. Thank you very much!

Well, you can actually lock your node and work off from there if you're satisfied with your result. Alternatively, you can save the geometry to disk and and use File SOP to load in and work off from there. Though not as convenient, the latter is a more prefered way, actually.
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You also can select nodes and hit Shift+C and thow nodes into a subnet. I'd lock or save my geometry too - just for safety and speed.
Jason Iversen, Technology Supervisor & FX Pipeline/R+D Lead @ Weta FX
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right click a sop in the chain -> Save geometry - thats how to do it in case you dont know
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I popped most of my nodes into a subnet and my textures disappeared.
I'd be thankful for any clues on how to fix this..

Also, I haven't figured out a way to ‘explode’ my subnet so I can collapse all the earlier modelling subnets into one big one. Please help me.


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RMB extract contents, should “explode” your subnets.

As for your textures double check the paths. When things get collapsed into a subnet any paths are automatically altered to reflect the fact that all the sops moved inside a subnet, however this sometimes isn't the behaviour you actually want so you have to then manually fix the paths back. Either that or instead of collapsing just make an empty subnet and manually move the sops inside.

Don't forget you can use network boxes too to help reduce sop clutter. control “N” on a selection of nodes.
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