Chop Export is dropping output of referenced nodes

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In the screenshot I've included I have 4 pathcv points that I am wanting to translate along their ty axis in unison.

I've managed to work and set up with some of the nodes available in the CHOP network to get a continuous up and down movement of my points related to the first half only of a sine wave. ( no delay between the “top” half of the sine wave accomplished with the shift of half a cycle then merged and resampled)

But in the export I have the 4 nodes listed but only 2 of the nodes respond to the waveform ( /obj/pathcv8 and obj/pathcv11 ).

The other two nodes ( /obj/pathcv1 and /obj/pathcv10 ) remain still while keyframes are run even though their parameter boxes are shaded orange to indicate they have been over ridden by the Chop network.

The odd thing is that if I wire straight from limit ( clamped ) or shift node to the export node, all 4 pathcv object ty points move in unison. Of course I want to be able to include the merge and resample so that there is no delay in time of movement.

Any suggestions of what I may be doing wrong?

Thank you

A.jpg (435.3 KB)

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Hm, that should work. I assume you've already checked that the node names are correct?

It might be good if you can post a scene file with the issue. A scene file is worth a thousand words (or pics).
Andrew / アンドリュー
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I'm starting to think there is something going on with my computer.

Later on in the day I worked on another new file and for the wave node I used a sine function I had defined in the python source editor in that wave nodes expression option.

It doesn't give the same wave I was aiming for with my other file like in the screen shot in my first post here, but….

The thing is that for the export node in this new file I named 4 obj pathcv points the same way and they all responded to the function like they should. And yes btw I checked the nodes names and they are all good ( in the first file )

So I suspect if I created a new file and played with the same nodes to get the type of sine wave I aiming for it might just work.

It's not the first time I do/create something in one file and some “glitch” comes up…

..only to do the same/similar set up in another new file and find it works.

And I'm not talking “complicated” things…just today I had a file where it wouldn't let me press the “accept” button on the python source editor and close the window. I could only use the “x” dialogue button to close it.

So it's these little things that are making me think it's my computer.

But if you happen to read this reply awong, do you think I went about it the “right” way to get the sine wave I was aiming for…meaning the use of clamp and shift then putting in merge then resample?

Another more efficient? way I might want to try?

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1. Instead of doing a resample in the end, you could adjust the “Sample Rate” in the Channel tab of the Wave CHOP. That could give you smoother samples.

2. Instead of doing the clamping and shifting, there's a Math CHOP that you could use. Setting the “Channel Post OP” to “Positive” might give you what you want. I'm not sure if the sharp points (“bounce”) that happens between negative and positive what you want though? If you want a smooth up and down, you can also play with the parameters on the Wave CHOP to generate a wave that's between 0 and 1 to begin with.

See the attached scene file. A scene file is worth a thousand words.

chop_wave.hip (36.7 KB)

Andrew / アンドリュー
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Oh, I think I see the problem with the setup in your screenshot. By clamping->shifting->merging, you actually created two channels, which is probably not what you want. (You can see this by double clicking the CHOP node.) When this gets exported, both channels are applied in turn to each of the node. That's probably why you're not seeing them moving in unison.
Andrew / アンドリュー
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Ok awng,

Thank you again…I'm going to take your points and play around with them for a while.

Think that will keep me busy for a while.

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