Throwing in the towel... I need help with voronoi fracture.

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Man I feel like I have watched a ton of tutorials. But Just cant get this to work they way I want. Crazy starting to learn this new program and know so little. This is my first post on here, and this is how I first learned modo. Crazy to think I am 5 years in and barely need help with any projects. Weird to start all over..

Anywho… I just cant get this to work. My project is to get a tank to drive through basically the corner of a building. I am 100% sure this CAN be done, obviously. But not sure how. I created the building and imported the tank and everything. I assigned the voronoi and glued adjacent. But I only want it to effect the area that is hit by the tank. It seems like if I turn up the glue, then the whole thing moves. If I turn up the mass, then nothing moves and it like implodes on itself… I tried adding a glue object, like a box, then adding it to include in the glue. And nothing… So basically I want to break apart this corner of the building but not break everything….

Thanks for any help. Sorry, I am new, I have been in this position before. The modo forums are awesome and everyone there helps a ton, so I hope this one is the same.

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You can paint or drive that by color then you can add a SOP Solver and delete the glue constraint on the painted object for example.

Also it would be helpful to upload the hip file.
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Thanks. I will work on getting something that is uploadable. I am really just doing R and D so nothing special when it comes to meshes.

I am currently watching this video on digital tutors about painting where I want it to break into smaller pieces or what not, just basically breaking up the mesh. but just so confused because my scatter nodes have all different options compared to his scatter nodes. I have noticed its kind of difficult watching tutorials without the exact same verison because so many things change from version it seems. I could be wrong. Just an observation.

Painting []

Any help, always appreciated.

PS. It took me forever to figure out that in order to paint on the surface I had to have more polygons than just say, a cube with 6 sides… Im going to get this…..

Update: Alright I got it working with the paint to dial in what I want where. But now I am getting this weird thing happening with the glue constraint. I set the strength and will dial it in how I want, then I redo the sim like 4 times, or slightly change a different setting, then its like I have to reset the glue constraint and redial that setting in. Is there some reason for this?

Here is what I have so far. Could someone maybe check it over and see how far off of a standard workflow for this? Or how it could be improved for learning purposes?

Edited by kallas08 - Jan. 3, 2017 17:21:39

storefronttest.hiplc (374.3 KB)

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You need to lock the nodes that reference files on disk.

You do this by ctrl-clicking the red flag on the left side.
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