Limit PolyBevel to sharp edges

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Hi all

How would I (and, indeed, is it possible to) limit the effect of PolyBevel to only sharp edges of the mesh?

I am (very) new to Houdini (and loving it - coming to it after many years using Blender). In Blender, this is an option on the Bevel modifier and you can tell it to only apply to edges where the polygons defining them exceed a given angle.

From what I have learned so far, I suspect the answer to this may lie in defining a “sharp edges group”….? but I can't find a node to do this.

Is it possible? Or is the only option to select edges manually?

Thanks for any help.
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You can use the Group SOP to define a hard edges group. Pick a sensible group name, set your Group Type to Edges, uncheck Base Group, enable Include by Edges and set your Min Edge Angle to something like ~60 or more. It's a good idea to go to the little cog wheel at the top of the node's parameters and save these settings as a preset.
In your PolyBevel SOP select your edge group.
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You can use the Group SOP to define a hard edges group. Pick a sensible group name, set your Group Type to Edges, uncheck Base Group, enable Include by Edges and set your Min Edge Angle to something like ~60 or more. It's a good idea to go to the little cog wheel at the top of the node's parameters and save these settings as a preset.
In your PolyBevel SOP select your edge group.

Perfect. Exactly what I was looking for! I was looking in that node but somehow didn't see that option.

Much appreciated, thank you.
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doesn't Exclusion Maximum Normal Angle on the Bevel itself work ?
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My thought exactly. Exclusion Maximum Angle should do the trick without creating groups.

PBevel_group_angle.gif (865.9 KB)

Werner Ziemerink
Head of 3D
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Sure, if you want to do things the easy way.
But yes, good call.
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