Learning Pose Tool - I really like the “auto IK” and works great for any bones I create in houdini.
But it doesn't work with an imported FBX - I think because Houdini automatically inserts nulls between the bones when importing the fbx.
Thanks in advance for any advice/help
Pose Tool with Imported FBX
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- bobcober0
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- malbrecht
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Moin, unknown/anonymous user,
Houdini's IK is bones-based, many other tools use a joints-based rigging approach. FBX is, too, a “joints rig” supporting format, therefore you have to convert the rig from nulls to bones.
I have done just that and documented the WIP here [www.sidefx.com]. Depending on your desired workflow, an alternative approach (if you don't need to use Houdini's IK) could be to not create bones while importing and instead create handle-/control geometry for the nulls, posing directly on them.
Houdini's IK is bones-based, many other tools use a joints-based rigging approach. FBX is, too, a “joints rig” supporting format, therefore you have to convert the rig from nulls to bones.
I have done just that and documented the WIP here [www.sidefx.com]. Depending on your desired workflow, an alternative approach (if you don't need to use Houdini's IK) could be to not create bones while importing and instead create handle-/control geometry for the nulls, posing directly on them.
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Out of here. Being called a dick after having supported Houdini users for years is over my paygrade.
I will work for money, but NOT for "you have to provide people with free products" Indie-artists.
Good bye.
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