Solaris: how to auto read Z up usd files to flip them to Y

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Hi. Without starting any flame wars about which is the correct up Z or Y. I am trying to export moving geometry cached as usd from Blender 3.0. If I transform the geo to be Y up it looks correct until you render with motion blur which seems 45 degrees off. I do need to do more testing however. The Blender community's general response is everyone else should just be Z up.

So Looking at the Nvida Attic demo which is Z up [] I can save it out again from Solaris as a rather large usda file and I can see it is Z up..

defaultPrim = "Root"
doc = """Generated from Composed Stage of root layer
endTimeCode = 1
metersPerUnit = 0.009999999776482582
startTimeCode = 1
upAxis = "Z"

So what I am wondering is. Is there anyway Solaris can read the Z/Y up data and auto correct to Solaris's stage. Some kind of "read up axis and compensate" option.?

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Mark Wallman
The Blender community's general response is everyone else should just be Z up.

Only shoegazers use Z up.
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Mark Wallman
So what I am wondering is. Is there anyway Solaris can read the Z/Y up data and auto correct to Solaris's stage. Some kind of "read up axis and compensate" option.?

I would think a transform node would do the job. sounds like something is broken if motionblur is going wacky.
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OK folks. It seems like the nice people at Nvidia have branched Blender and have a much better version of the USD exporter that can flip Y or Z up. It is in the free nVidia Omniverse Launcher.

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