License Administrator Key Install LOOP

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I was curious what I could do with a limited mac mini 2gb with H13, So I Installed apprentice yesterday, and it ran.

Today when I tried to lunch it again, first it ran the license admin to install keys, and I chose to install apprentice, and it said ok successful and when I choose to run H , it asks me to install the keys again in an endless LOOP.

So I checked if there was any keys installed by viewing licenses, and the table is empty. However, the license.local has the keys.

system is late mini mac 2009
OSX v10.10.5 yosemite

I tried the solutions from this old thread from 2012 but it didn't help []

thanks in advance
Head of CG @ MPC
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MacMini is not officially supported but I have successfully installed Apprentice H14 on mine. However, I have run into the looping license problem myself, not just OSX but Windows as well.

The installer defaults are for someone who has a paid license so if you just breeze through the installer and accept all the defaults it does not work. During the install process you have to take the time to uncheck the license server and choose the other license option.

Do a complete uninstall and re-install and don't install the license server choose the other option. This is what seems make Houdini run in Apprentice mode.

Expect graphical viewport graphical issues on the MacMini using Houdini.
Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
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sadly I tried both methods, neither worked, but I will give it another chance, I am not a mac user so it even took me some googling to enable the HD in the finder. I am quiet happy with my ubuntu and houdini at home, but mac mini is what I have on holiday

14 doesn't work near anywhere usable, but 13 seems to work without issues although quiet slow.

I find it to be a good practice to work on limited machines to train myself for optimisation reasons, I managed to make a quiet nice render with almost 200K boxes as proxies for trees on a landscape. With file instancing and delayed loads, I believe I can push it even further, , if I can fix the licensing issue

PS: changing machine name successfully allowed me to install the local license for apprentice
Head of CG @ MPC
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Nice, glad you succeeded. H13 does work fine on my MacMini as well.
Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
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Here is what's coming close to the limits of my ram
Proxies are just boxes in a copy node, so no delayed loads yet, I'm curious if I the system can render the actual low resolution trees if I used file instancing.

timforest-1.jpg (301.8 KB)

Head of CG @ MPC
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