setting up environment for custom stuff

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I have Houdini installed on a local Windows box. When I launch it, I want it to access a custom 123.cmd located on a central server. Using UNC paths, suppose the location is at \\somewhere\houdini\scripts\123.cmd

I'm thinking of using the HSITE variable but not sure how to use it. I've tried simply to set it to \\somewhere & \\somewhere\houdini. Unfortunately, nothing seems to happen. Do I need to do something with HOUDINI_PATH variable too?

Appreciate any help. Thanks

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I'm thinking of using the HSITE variable but not sure how to use it. I've tried simply to set it to \\somewhere & \\somewhere\houdini. Unfortunately, nothing seems to happen. Do I need to do something with HOUDINI_PATH variable too?
I believe that the only way Houdini knows how to address UNC paths is by using the syntax


(forward slash instead of backslash). As a first attempt, try switching to that syntax and see if it works.

Write back if it doesn't!
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I'm thinking of using the HSITE variable but not sure how to use it. I've tried simply to set it to \\somewhere & \\somewhere\houdini. Unfortunately, nothing seems to happen. Do I need to do something with HOUDINI_PATH variable too?
I believe that the only way Houdini knows how to address UNC paths is by using the syntax


(forward slash instead of backslash). As a first attempt, try switching to that syntax and see if it works.

Write back if it doesn't!

Tried this but no luck :?

I take it that doing set HSITE=\\somewhere\houdini is the correct way to set the variable? I hope it's not a bug with using UNC paths.
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Okay, would anyone like to share how they are using the Houdini environment variables? I still like to know how to use the HSITE variable. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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are you trying to set this variable in the textport within houdini? if so then you are only setting local variables (set) or global variables (setenv), not environment variables.. the only thing setting or removing environment variables is the OS/shell itself..

to set an environment variable (both user and system) in windows is to either do it at the command prompt with the set command or by right clicking on my computer and selecting properties.. on the advanced tab, there is an environment variables button at the bottom…

if you want to test and see if the envar is working properly just echo it in houdini or at the windows command prompt:

cmd prompt:
echo %VAR%

echo $VAR

UNC paths should work fine as i just tested this out on creating a temporary envar in windows and pointed it to another box on the network.. but as Joe pointed out, be sure to use forward slashes.. (i.e. //somewhere/someplace/makesurenospaces..) i then went in to houdini and echo'd it in the textport.. i even layed down a file sop and pointed it to $VAR and it worked fine..

as for the hsite variable, i haven't used it so i can't comment but i'm sure that creating an envar called ‘HSITE’ on the machine will just override what it's defaulted to ($HFS/site).. much like you would expect to set your $JOB variable.. but, like i said, i haven't tested this out so i can't comment..

Dave Quirus
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are you trying to set this variable in the textport within houdini? if so then you are only setting local variables (set) or global variables (setenv), not environment variables.. the only thing setting or removing environment variables is the OS/shell itself..

(As I was typing this message and double-checking on my box, I was able to get further along. Here's where I'm at)

I'm trying to write a .bat file to launch Houdini from a Windows XP box. There is a full copy of Houdini on the workstation AND a copy residing on a server (\\project\app\win\houdini). My thought is to set all necessary Houdini variables then start the server version of Houdini. I have custom scripts residing in another area of the system (\\project\app\all\houdini\scripts). The current PATH variable contains no reference to Houdini.

Here's what I have so far:

@echo off
set HSITE=\\project\app\all
set HOUDINI_SCRIPT_PATH=\\project\app\all\houdini\scripts


When I start the .bat file, the Houdini console pops up a message saying:
ERROR: Couldn't open resource file “./resources” (Permission denied)
Houdini loads & seems to have sourced all the custom stuff - however the appearance is much to be desired (ie. colours & fonts). Also, the help doesn't work. BTW. makes no difference whether I use backslashes or forwardslashes.

Its having some trouble accessing the configuration files. So I thought I'd add the HOUDINI_PATH variable. So, now the .bat file looks like:

@echo off
set HSITE=\\project\app\all
set HOUDINI_SCRIPT_PATH=\\project\app\all\houdini\scripts
set HOUDINI_PATH=%HSITE%\houdini\houdini\config


Well, Houdini really doesn't like this & begins to complain violently. The popup message says environment not setup properly, etc, etc. Then it proceeds to dump core.

Hmmm … I'm stuck :?. Any ideas/suggestions would be appreciated.


*** Anyone from SESI wish to speak up?! ***
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*** Anyone from SESI wish to speak up?! ***
If this is a support msg, then it should be sent to support AT OR use the Support forum which is available upon request if you don't have it already.

Having said that, I think you're mistakenly using HSITE, when you really want HFS. I'm not so sure that UNC paths work though. I personally, have never tried it.
Edited by - Aug. 23, 2005 15:12:19
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If this is a support msg, then it should be sent to support AT OR use the Support forum which is available upon request if you don't have it already.

Having said that, I think you're mistakenly using HSITE, when you really want HFS. I'm not so sure that UNC paths work though. I personally, have never tried it.

First off, I did send this to support last week but have yet to hear back. Don't know what Support forum you're referring to but I'll look into that.

Secondly, I was curious to know how other places handle this type of situation, and if so, what pitfalls (if any) they encountered. Perhaps my mistakes & queries will reveal aspects of this package I didn't realize existed before. I make no apologies for this thread as I hope it will benefit others in the community.

I tried the HFS method but get same results. I will continue to investigate this on my own & with those in support.

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I have Houdini installed on a local Windows box. When I launch it, I want it to access a custom 123.cmd located on a central server. Using UNC paths, suppose the location is at \\somewhere\houdini\scripts\123.cmd

I'm thinking of using the HSITE variable but not sure how to use it. I've tried simply to set it to \\somewhere & \\somewhere\houdini. Unfortunately, nothing seems to happen. Do I need to do something with HOUDINI_PATH variable too?

Appreciate any help. Thanks


wouldn't a symbolic link solve this whole problem?
Michael Goldfarb |
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