WYSIWYG with MPlay Render exports - *.avi *.mov

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I was wondering if someone might be able to suggest a workflow so that in the final exported file format of choice I get the same visual results of what I worked on seeing in Render View/Mplay.

I rendered and saved a sequence of images in MPlay in which I was happy with lighting and motion, but once I load those sequence of images then export to any of the .avi 32, .avi 64, or number of options with .mov formats; I lose desired components of the image in the final exported format.

I tried making adjustments with brightness, gamma, contrast etc. in Mplay with the sequenced images before exporting, but this doesn't seem to give any results. I'm guessing that means I would have to do those corrections prior to making the image sequence renders.

But if that's so, it seems to me that this process could be very time intensive as I would be guessing what to adjust prior to rendering to ultimately get the final exported file format as desired, ie. I would have to do many iterations of render, check, adjust, render again, etc.

In the attached file, the image on the left is what I see with MPlay/render view…the image on the right is what I got with export to *.avi win 32 format.

In the exported *avi format the middle section of the fainter smoke can't be seen, or at least very difficult.

Yet with the MPlay I get exactly what I wanted at that point in the animation. Lighter smoke yet still visible.

So I am thinking that in my final animation ( which looks just right in MPlay/Render view ), how many possible points in my final exported file am I going to have to attempt to make to “correct” for a final desired product.

It seems possible that I may “correct” for one part, but inadvertantly create another new “problem” elsewhere.

I'm wondering am I missing something or could this be a “…Welcome to the Club…” scenario?

Thoughts on this process is appreciated - Thanks.

MPlay Render and AVI w32 Export.jpg (262.0 KB)

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it's Gamma
if you look at the bottom right of the toolbar in the Mplay window you'll see an icon with the value of 2.2.
when you make a video file from Mplay: File > Export you should get a dialog that will allow you to set a Gamma value in the Pre-Encode Options.
Michael Goldfarb | www.odforce.net
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Thank you very much for this arctor.

It works
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