Good lord holy thread resurrection.
Also .SIM files are fairly meh and gigantic. Just cache things out to bgeos, specially RBDs, cache out only the simulation points and not the geometry itself.
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Houdini Lounge » Why does my DOP file node keep cooking the simulation?!
- Ratmann
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Houdini Lounge » Magic FX 01
- Ratmann
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Yeah, essentially you are asking people to give you work for free.
Why don't you try and build a scene first, and when you hit the wall, ask questions and post a scene. You'll get some actual help if you put in some effort in the first place. And not only that, that video literally shows you how to make it step-by-step.
Why don't you try and build a scene first, and when you hit the wall, ask questions and post a scene. You'll get some actual help if you put in some effort in the first place. And not only that, that video literally shows you how to make it step-by-step.
Edited by Ratmann - Aug. 20, 2021 10:27:55
Technical Discussion » HDK Forum !!!
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Houdini Lounge » VEX/VOP node to sample point from VDB
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Ben Andersen
I want to sample points from my VDB in a VOP SOP or VEX. What's the VOP node that will let me do that? I tried volume sample, but it didn't seem to work.
Well VDB grids don't actually have points, they are voxels. But you can use a Volume VOP to access them.
Technical Discussion » opdigits inside another function
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Houdini Lounge » Volume I/O Houdini <=> 3DS Max
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Fluid sim as in Pyro or flip?
For Flip you can mesh it out using Alembic or RealFlow plugin and use Max's plugins for that.
For volumetrics it gets more complicated. I believe the Phoenix shader for Vray will be or is now supporting OpenVDB and Field3D volumes. That should allow you to bring in Houdini volumes into it.
And as much as I like Vray, I'd recommend looking at Mantra. It's so well integrated and it is, in my opinion, the best renderer for volumes on the market, not counting wacky proprietary stuff!
For Flip you can mesh it out using Alembic or RealFlow plugin and use Max's plugins for that.
For volumetrics it gets more complicated. I believe the Phoenix shader for Vray will be or is now supporting OpenVDB and Field3D volumes. That should allow you to bring in Houdini volumes into it.
And as much as I like Vray, I'd recommend looking at Mantra. It's so well integrated and it is, in my opinion, the best renderer for volumes on the market, not counting wacky proprietary stuff!
Technical Discussion » How to get Max and Min from Ramp Parm(Sprine)
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Technical Discussion » RBD Initial State /w Packed Primitives
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After diving into the Transform Pieces node, now I'm thinking it might not be so simple
Technical Discussion » RBD Initial State /w Packed Primitives
- Ratmann
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chrishxukcaOne way to accomplish this is to use a point() function in a POP Wrangle DOP VEXpression (see Jeff's post for an example hip with POP Wrangle and Multiple Solver DOPs):
Packed geometry are really so faster than normal RBD, but they dont have “use deforming geometry” optionIs it possible to pull a SOP level animation somehow in the DOPS?
if (!@active) @P = point(“oppath/to/deforming/sop”, “P”, @ptnum);
There are probably more elegant and robust solutions – if you find one, please share on the forum!
Hey Chris, bumping this up a bit, This seems to be working, but now I would to be able to do the same for the orient attribute.
I'm doing some sims where I want the non-active RBD pieces to continue with an animation, I was able to get the P value for position working, but orient so far isn't working.
I am able to generate an orient attribute on the pieces inside of sops, I test it using a Transform Pieces object and that works.
So far I can't seem to get it working with a POP or Geometry Wrangle nodes.
Houdini Lounge » exporting Fire and Smoke to another software
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dtdfRatmannI have seen both of them; but what would be the general workflow, from downloading field3d's/openvdb's source, to having a PyroFX in Maya?
Then yeah, most studios would use a volume file format to get data across the pipeline, Hence Field3D was created at SPI and OpenVDB started off at DD and then became what we know as OpenVDB at Dreamworks
PS: I don't want to use FumeFX.
Well the Field3D source code includes code for a Field3D plugin, so you can implement your own plugin for your needs.
There is also some code at: [] []
Houdini Lounge » exporting Fire and Smoke to another software
- Ratmann
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Another alternative if you know programming would be using the Field3D ROP code that's available in the HDK.
FumeFX for Maya has a Field3D importer, you can get the format spec from Sitni Sati, and you should be able to change the code so that it exports Field3D files that are compatible with FumeFX.
Another alternative is the new OpenVDB plugin, which should help unify things.
Edit: Then yeah, most studios would use a volume file format to get data across the pipeline, Hence Field3D was created at SPI and OpenVDB started off at DD and then became what we know as OpenVDB at Dreamworks, although OpenVDB has more tools available in terms of volume data manipulation than Field3D does.
FumeFX for Maya has a Field3D importer, you can get the format spec from Sitni Sati, and you should be able to change the code so that it exports Field3D files that are compatible with FumeFX.
Another alternative is the new OpenVDB plugin, which should help unify things.
Edit: Then yeah, most studios would use a volume file format to get data across the pipeline, Hence Field3D was created at SPI and OpenVDB started off at DD and then became what we know as OpenVDB at Dreamworks, although OpenVDB has more tools available in terms of volume data manipulation than Field3D does.
Technical Discussion » Pyro export to file - extend cache
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exported a sequence in the Dop I/O and now I want to extend it.
Prob is when I enter the new frame range, say 70 - 100 it recalculates all the frames before this. I read in the help it ignores this parameter when hitting render and goes back to import from Dops.
There must be a way around this?
Hey kristaan,
Unfortunately this ain't like FumeFX (I wished), when you write out bgeos you are liteally just writing out a Geometry cache, none of the previous information is saved.
If you'd like to do some sort of Initial State simluation, you'll have to save out .sim files inside of DOPs, and then create the initial state for up to the sim frame you wanted to start from, and then read in the .sim file onto the DOPs sim.
Technical Discussion » Bullet physics implementation and other stuff
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Is it possible to use all CPU cores for your solver? It would be great I think.
Could you make test with more complex shapes than boxes? For example voronoi pieces.
Bullet isn't fully mullti threaded yet, it's pretty fast tho. What can be multithreaded is the process of adding back the transformation to each RBD chunk, if what he's getting back from bullet is the centroid points with the transformations for each object.
Technical Discussion » H12 HDK problem ?
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Houdini Lounge » Destruction &Fracture: Houdini OR Max+Volumebreaker&
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Interesting conversation going on. All my comments are my own opinion.
Having used various tools for destruction in different facilities, both proprietary and out of the box.
I'd say if you're going out of the box, 3dsMax+RayFire+TP hands down beat Houdini when it comes to heavy RBD work. I did various tests for production with the DOPs RBDs and found them to be ok for small debris type work, at very slow speed. But anything involving large scale it is basically useless.
Most facilities have had to introduce a Bullet solver interface built inside of SOPs as a sort of particle based system with geometry transformation . A good deal of information can be found here [] from Nafees and a mix of DD and Dreamworks TDs.
This type of workflow is the most robust and useful I've seen so far. And most importantly it is very fast, you can get iterations out fast and in the end it also allows you to easily clean up your simulation by hand and switch out to higher resolution geometry if needed.
I know Houdini 12 has Bullet built inside of DOPs, but it is still limited by the nature of DOPs, which for RBDs imo makes it pretty useless for anything remotely medium to large scale. I will definitely be testing it more and maybe change my opinion on things.
Having used various tools for destruction in different facilities, both proprietary and out of the box.
I'd say if you're going out of the box, 3dsMax+RayFire+TP hands down beat Houdini when it comes to heavy RBD work. I did various tests for production with the DOPs RBDs and found them to be ok for small debris type work, at very slow speed. But anything involving large scale it is basically useless.
Most facilities have had to introduce a Bullet solver interface built inside of SOPs as a sort of particle based system with geometry transformation . A good deal of information can be found here [] from Nafees and a mix of DD and Dreamworks TDs.
This type of workflow is the most robust and useful I've seen so far. And most importantly it is very fast, you can get iterations out fast and in the end it also allows you to easily clean up your simulation by hand and switch out to higher resolution geometry if needed.
I know Houdini 12 has Bullet built inside of DOPs, but it is still limited by the nature of DOPs, which for RBDs imo makes it pretty useless for anything remotely medium to large scale. I will definitely be testing it more and maybe change my opinion on things.
Technical Discussion » hdk multiple volume primitives problem
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Hey Rony,
Yes there was a few changes in the HDK for 11, specifically when working with attributes.
Check out this section in the docs on how to update your code: []
Yes there was a few changes in the HDK for 11, specifically when working with attributes.
Check out this section in the docs on how to update your code: []
Technical Discussion » Shatter for glass
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The other added benefit of using simple convex pieces from a grid and then extruding them to run the sim is that after you run your sim, you can create a procedure to run through your simple shards and resample and noise up the edges and do other geometry and shading tricks and then swap em out for rendering.
So you can sim with simple geometry and then swap out the simple with a more complex detailed pieces of geometry for rendering.
So you can sim with simple geometry and then swap out the simple with a more complex detailed pieces of geometry for rendering.
Houdini Lounge » Voronoi Fragmentation Type
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More points = more fragmented shards.
One way you can get more points on a location, when working on a 2d type object is to create a dense grid or shape to match the object and paint it based on where you want more points, and then scatter points based on that attribute.
The other way is if your object is in 3d, you can convert it to an fog object using iso offset, and with a volume ramp or volume vop, you can create areas of more density, and then scatter the points using that density.
One way you can get more points on a location, when working on a 2d type object is to create a dense grid or shape to match the object and paint it based on where you want more points, and then scatter points based on that attribute.
The other way is if your object is in 3d, you can convert it to an fog object using iso offset, and with a volume ramp or volume vop, you can create areas of more density, and then scatter the points using that density.
Technical Discussion » Particle not been orienting by "v" on houdini11
Technical Discussion » gzipped hip files
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Isn't the zlib library still shipped with the HDK? Wouldn't that be a way to get it working via the HDK?
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