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Houdini Lounge » Houdini 19 can't render fire off the shelf?
- buki
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Also the mountain sop was only able to displace the geo along normals, it did not work on unconnected points hence it was limited, the new attrib noise is far better with remapping and more control.
Technical Discussion » 3DSceneColors
- buki
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3rd Party » Modeler 2021 Released!
- buki
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Hi Alexey, wondering what is the problem with my install, the menus are collapsed into a tiny icon on the toolbar

Using python3 build 18.5.532
Using python3 build 18.5.532
Work in Progress » Hair Like Smoke? Looking for suggestions
- buki
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Use a lot of particles and rasterize attributes, into density, also one could advect the particles with a low-res smoke sim
Technical Discussion » How to randomize seed on the scatter node
- buki
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Houdini Indie and Apprentice » DOP I/O vs DOP Import Fields
- buki
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DOP IO has DOP import fields inside, so it is just a wrapper with some extra features, like caching
Houdini Lounge » how to read in a .chan file
- buki
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Technical Discussion » Volume Shadows in viewport, 17.5
- buki
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Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Houdini 17: Visualize Voronoi Fracture
- buki
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- as of H17, if you hit “D” in the viewport, go to Geometry tab, on the right you will see an option “Wire over packed geo”
- as of H17, if you hit “D” in the viewport, go to Geometry tab, on the right you will see an option “Wire over packed geo”
Technical Discussion » Fluid Source SOP gone?
- buki
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I think it is the sop level one, the operator was hidden because there is a new workflow in 17.
Open a hscript textport and execute then you will have it in the tab menu:
opunhide Sop fluidsource
Open a hscript textport and execute then you will have it in the tab menu:
opunhide Sop fluidsource
Technical Discussion » how to select only the boundary edges of multiple merged objects?
- buki
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Technical Discussion » No smooth wire shaded with packed objects
- buki
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Technical Discussion » Houdini & Windows 10 ---> :(
- buki
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You dont need to uninstall it, just use its system tray icon to exit Sonic Studio, Houdini will not crash after you do this.
Technical Discussion » very simple Q about uv and stuff
- buki
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You need to save an uv image, right click in SOPs on the last node, Save->TextureUvToImage
Technical Discussion » Houdini 16.5 crashing
- buki
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Or kill any sound related stuff from the system tray, for example I have an ASUS rog laptop, I need to exit the Sonic Studio, which has an icon on the system tray, no crashes after.
Technical Discussion » Nvidia Driver Versions
- buki
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For example on an Asus ROG laptop, you have Asus Sonic Studio installed by default, this includes the Nahimic drivers, on windows 10, if you see sonic studio's red icon on the system tray, it is enough to right click and exit, this is enough for Houdini not to crash. So if you have an audio service on the system tray, just exit it. You will still have sound.
For example on an Asus ROG laptop, you have Asus Sonic Studio installed by default, this includes the Nahimic drivers, on windows 10, if you see sonic studio's red icon on the system tray, it is enough to right click and exit, this is enough for Houdini not to crash. So if you have an audio service on the system tray, just exit it. You will still have sound.
Houdini Lounge » Fluid Sim Issue - Water hangs around for too long
- buki
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Houdini Lounge » Fluid Sim Issue - Water hangs around for too long
- buki
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I opened your scene, first of all, you should model in real world sizes, your bucket is 5 meters or so.
Your bucket collider is set to surface, it should be set to volume and set the method to volume sample to get the vdb volume into your sim properly.
Your touched everything on your solver, suggest to put down a new one.
Set the substeps to 2 or 3 on your dopnet, and don't touch the flip solvers substeps.
Turn off reseeding, or lower it, that gives you that huge amount of liquid.
Your bucket collider is set to surface, it should be set to volume and set the method to volume sample to get the vdb volume into your sim properly.
Your touched everything on your solver, suggest to put down a new one.
Set the substeps to 2 or 3 on your dopnet, and don't touch the flip solvers substeps.
Turn off reseeding, or lower it, that gives you that huge amount of liquid.
Technical Discussion » What does the environment setup do?
- buki
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just add the extra stuff at the end of each line, something like this:
HOUDINI_OTLSCAN_PATH = $QOTL/base;$QOTL/future;$QOTL/experimental;@/otls
HOUDINI_OTLSCAN_PATH = $QOTL/base;$QOTL/future;$QOTL/experimental;@/otls
Technical Discussion » Questions about OpenGL materials in viewport
- buki
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