Running a stand-alone central help server

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Just dropping by again - seems to work fine, I can index a local doc and get it to show up in the TOC, etc. I've also noticed that (existing) html docs we have can be referenced directly by http://ourhelpserver:5050/mydocs.html [ourhelpserver] as long as they exist in the ini help files paths and bypasses the wiki_markup–>html path. Cool.

Couple of questions. If I have existing html docs that I don't particularly want to convert to wiki markup - any shortcuts(or possibilities for that matter) of generating indexes from it? I was about to dig into the indexer program but was wondering of existing shortcuts. Also, currently the indexer rather crudely sticks new custom entries at the bottom of the table of contents. Any plans or current abilities to allow these to be a little more formatted(let's say under a Local Docs section)?


John Coldrick
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Couple of questions. If I have existing html docs that I don't particularly want to convert to wiki markup - any shortcuts(or possibilities for that matter) of generating indexes from it? I was about to dig into the indexer program but was wondering of existing shortcuts. Also, currently the indexer rather crudely sticks new custom entries at the bottom of the table of contents. Any plans or current abilities to allow these to be a little more formatted(let's say under a Local Docs section)?

There's nothing there right now to index HTML, but it shouldn't be hard. Give me a couple of days to think about it and I should be able to make it work.

The ordering of the table of contents is determined by two things:

  • The more elegant solution that was introduced in 9.5 is to have a section in the parent document (usually directory/_index.txt) like this:


    == Category 1 ==

    == Category 2 ==

    Grep for occurances of “@subtopics” in the docs for examples of this. This lets you specify the order and categorization of the subpages manually. It's great when you want to design the order of the pages in a chapter.

  • If you add a property like this:

    = Title =

    #order: N

    …where N is some number (positive or negative), the page will be ordered by that number relative to its siblings (if the order is not explicitly given it's assumed to be 0). So if you just wanted one page to show up before all the others, you could say #order: -100 or something.

    You should also be able to do this:

    = Title =

    #order: -100
    #cagegory: categoryid

    …where the categoryid matches up with an id on a heading in the @subtopics section on the parent page:


    == Getting started == (categoryid)

    I think what's happening is that it's adding your pages to the end of the “designed” list as “uncategorized” pages. The #order trick will let you move your page *before* the designed pages, but unfortunately you can't easily add your pages to existing cateegories (except by editing the parent page), because I didn't bother to manually give them IDs you can use ops: .

    If any of that isn't clear, let me know
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Yup, got it, thanks Matt…


John Coldrick
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We got this up and running, thanks!

However when we launch the help we get a series of Alert popup dialogs
1. setUtChecked (useCustomeHomePage=False): TypeError: e has no properties
2.setUiValue( TypeError: el has no properties
3.setUiValue (helpBaeUrl=http://web2:5050/): [web2] TypeError: el has no properties
4. clearbookmarkList: TypeError: kids has no properties
5. loadBookmarks: ReferenceError: bookmarks is not defined

Any Idea where our config may have gone wrong?
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ok, so these popup errors are supposed to go away with 9.5.241.
weve installed it, but now the index server script in this post fails,
wrt to stems whether you tell it to skip them or not. What are stems
anyway, and more importantly, what has changed wrt to reindexing
your node examples and docs in 29.5.241?
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Lin64, H11.0.504

I'm looking into a way to document OTL's on a stand-alone doc server. The stand-alone doc server is up and running.

At the moment, the help sections within OTL's is not being served, nor indexed. Is there some special way to extract the help from OTL's? Do we need to write a script? (eg extract each help “section” to a txt-file, and put them in a dir which is referred to in the “docs =” line of the deploy.ini file)?

A simple test worked: a “custom” helpfile, put it in a dir on the “docs=” line was indexed and served.

Is the original (2008) comment about @nodes not working still true? Because it appears that @path works. Though, @shelf does not.

thx, ben.

PS. Also, I've begun to wonder if the deploy.ini file is fully-correct? I notice changing the “port =” setting in the deploy.ini file does not work (found in the "" section of the deploy.ini file). However, the actual call to exec serve() method in can be given a port number, and that works.

eg. change the line:
serve(app, None, start_loop = True)
serve(app, port=8088, start_loop = True)
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