Snow Leopard and Houdini good to go?

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With OS X 10.6 coming out this Friday, are there incompatibilities with Houdini that would prevent us from upgrading?
I'm o.d.d.
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Yes. I noticed, that 10.6 can not work wit latest buiilds of Houdini. I hope, they will compile soon for 10.6.
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We will be. Working on the last few bugs at the moment.
Chris McSpurren
Senior Quality Assurance Specialist
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Yes… tried it on the last dev build of 10.6, all sorts of menu issues and things like that.

Here's looking to Friday!
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That would make a lot of us extremely happy, especially those considering purchasing Houdini outright for a software now reasonable in price. Thank you SESI!!
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Just an update on our Snow Leopard support. I've been developing under Snow Leopard for several months now and have a well-tested fix for the menu problem. I've now back ported that to 10.0. You should see that in the next good 10.0 release on OS X.

We'll try to clean up any other residual issues quickly. Just keep us informed!
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Thanks for the heads up, and the hard work!

BTW, by good release, do you mean just the next OS X daily build set apart as ‘Production Build’, or when all builds are considered ‘Production Build’?
I'm o.d.d.
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He merely means the next release that is available. If you look at the journal, there was an entry from yesterday about fixing menus under Snow Leopard in today's release, 10.0.380. However, if you look on the Downloads page, the Mac build isn't available. Hopefully it will compile properly tonight and be good to go tomorrow.
Graham Thompson, Technical Artist @ Rockstar Games
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Thanks for the clarification!

You guys rock!
I'm o.d.d.
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I just upgraded to Snow Leopard on a Macbook Pro, and now I am getting severe OpenGL tearing in the viewport. It looks like a GL backbuffer issue.

I tried both 10.0.374 and 10.0.382 (the menus work in 382).
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I can't get to work 10.0.3 version, I even don't have permissions to Administration tools folder…. I'll try installing it once again
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I had the “no permission” for the Admin and Extra folders too. I had to go into the Get Info menu and add myself to the permitted users list to be able to access them.

I can't get to work 10.0.3 version, I even don't have permissions to Administration tools folder…. I'll try installing it once again
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ok, I'm checking two versions:

Houdini 10.0.374 and Houdini 10.0.382

in both versions I get:
09-08-29 03:07:35 .com.sidefx.Houdini objc: Class MBSD_GC is implemented in both /Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/10.0.374/Houdini and /Applications/Houdini 10.0.374/ One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
09-08-29 03:07:41 (.com.sidefx.Houdini) Exited with exit code: 3

After adding permissions to Aministrator tools folder, Houdini has started

09-08-29 03:14:29 .com.sidefx.Houdini objc: Class MBSD_GC is implemented in both /Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/10.0.374/Houdini and /Applications/Houdini 10.0.374/ One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
09-08-29 03:14:37 houdini Unable to instantiate a Carbon Menu for menu <NSMenu: 0x200272ca0>
Supermenu: 0x0 (None), autoenable: YES
Items: (
<NSMenuItem: 0x2000ed4a0 , submenu: 0x20025b6a0 ()>,
<NSMenuItem: 0x2000e55e0 File, submenu: 0x200243e60 (File)>,
<NSMenuItem: 0x2000c25e0 Edit, submenu: 0x2000d0e00 (Edit)>,
<NSMenuItem: 0x200249b20 Render, submenu: 0x20021c440 (Render)>,
<NSMenuItem: 0x200222280 Window, submenu: 0x20008dc40 (Window)>,
<NSMenuItem: 0x2000a1de0 Takes, submenu: 0x2000b68c0 (Takes)>,
<NSMenuItem: 0x20002f160 Help, submenu: 0x20008bb40 (Help)>
) because it is not checked out.
09-08-29 03:14:38 houdini invalid drawable
09-08-29 03:14:38 houdini invalid drawable
09-08-29 03:14:38 houdini invalid drawable
09-08-29 03:14:38 houdini invalid drawable
09-08-29 03:14:40 GrowlHelperApp *** attempt to pop an unknown autorelease pool (0x807600)
09-08-29 03:15:54 houdini *** Assertion failure in -, /SourceCache/AppKit/AppKit-1038/AppKit.subproj/NSView.m:5237
09-08-29 03:15:54 houdini - failed with window=0x2000b7660, windowNumber=216, =0

I'm testing this on my old macbook 13" INTEL GMA950

First try :

Viewport seems to be broken (as on screenshot, top view)

I don't have menu (on top of screen, besides apple logo, I have ‘Houdini’ menu that can't be even opened)

Mantra gave Error code: 3 at first time (probablly caused by fresh install), but second one just worked.

version has menus working but it there are simmilar problems with viewport and I've got quick formula for destroying it:

On start, I must say that resizing Houdini window in osx seems to be a big problem for a long time…
when H9 came on osx, resizing Houdini window was causing strange effects, window flickering etc…

on H10, on OSX 10.5 (even today, latests builds) when I resize window, numerous of ‘context’/'popup' Houdini menus appers over my mouse and Houdini is unusable, need to restart H then.

and now with OSX 10.6 when I resize H window I have broken viewport .. Need to restart H to repeair.

10.5 resizing sample
Edited by - Aug. 31, 2009 10:53:19
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wow, tmdag, thank you for your post. i hope these bugs are squished asap! i am sure the developer accounts are appreciative of the work that post represents.

i've seen many of the same errors, but just assumed someone else reported it and just waited for a fix… lol.

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oh……cant wait for the new version -.-!

I got the same problem today..-.-!
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I fixed the viewport tearing problem on my macbook pro with snow leopard.

System Preferences / Energy Saver / Graphics: Higher performance

By default it was set to Better battery life, which I suspect makes the Macbook use the NVidia 9400 instead of the 9600 gpu.

I'm new to using a mac, but to me this seams like a ridiculous place to put a graphics related setting….

Anyways, it's an easy fix and maybe you can look into why the openGL viewport is garbage when using the 9400 gpu.
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hey thanks, awesome there is a workaround that works for some.

but, for me, my mbp has been on the “higher performance” setting all the time and i still got the viewport issue. my other machine, mac pro xeon, has the same problem (these dont have the better perf/batt setting).

haha yes, i agree its a really weird place to put that setting.

another possible workaround (not totaly sure yet if its lasting):
i tried tumbling around in an added “context view” viewport.
it didnt give me weirdness. when i went back to scene view after context view it was good there too, no weirdness.

then when i changed bg color in display options the problem was back, then i just switched tab between scene view/context view and it was all good again.

this is on the mac pro, havent tried on the mbp.

ugh i forgot to add this is on .382
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You cursed me!

It was working this morning, and then I read your response and opened Houdini again…broken viewport!

Maybe when it was working this morning…it was just because I hadn't had any coffee yet and my brain was too slow to perceive the broken viewport…..

But then, I just rebooted my mbp, the viewports are working again….who knows what's going on.

hey thanks, awesome there is a workaround that works for some.

but, for me, my mbp has been on the “higher performance” setting all the time and i still got the viewport issue. my other machine, mac pro xeon, has the same problem (these dont have the better perf/batt setting).

haha yes, i agree its a really weird place to put that setting.

another possible workaround (not totaly sure yet if its lasting):
i tried tumbling around in an added “context view” viewport.
it didnt give me weirdness. when i went back to scene view after context view it was good there too, no weirdness.

then when i changed bg color in display options the problem was back, then i just switched tab between scene view/context view and it was all good again.

this is on the mac pro, havent tried on the mbp.

ugh i forgot to add this is on .382
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hope sesi can compile the new houdini for mac.
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Here's a quick progress remote for our Snow Leopard fixes:
  • I fixed the problem where you resize a Houdini window and popup menus appear. It was a regression under both Leopard and Snow Leopard. The fix went in last week.
  • the problem with permissions on the “Administrative Tools” directory is known and will be fixed soon. As mentioned, you can work around this by just right clicking on the folder in the Finder and adjusting the permissions manually.
  • we are working on a fix for the problem where the most recent 10.0.x builds of Houdini only run on Snow Leopard. It was being built against the wrong version of Python. We are hoping to sort that out today.
  • some users are reporting that Houdini is starting up slowly under Snow Leopard. We will look into that problem next
  • for the graphics issues, we currently suspect that they are limited to NVidia cards. Has anyone had any issues on ATI yet? That's important to know because it narrows down whether this is a driver issue.

    We'll get these issues ironed out as soon as possible!
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