GI light black with sphere sky in scene | random numbers

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hi all, a couple of questions:

1. i have a sphere around the scene to give a sky background. my GI light is inside the sphere, but always renders black unless i remove the sphere, as though the sphere is blocking them but it isnt… any ideas on that one?!?

2. Ive made a box, then added vex mountain SOP with the following function in the frequency fields: fit(rand(1.454), 0, 1, 0.5, 1.5) to get some random values.

but when i make copies of the object the values of all objects are the same, they arent different across each copy. is there a way to do this, effectively randomise the seed? id rather not copy the object then attach a unique vex mountain to each instance.

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no idea about question 1, but for the second one, I think you need to feed the rand() function with a different argument for each “copy” in order to get different values from it. If possible, put them all in one object and use copy stamping, then you have access to $PT as an argument for rand().

If this is not an option, you could try using the opdigits expression inside your argument. I never used it, so you need to look it up in the expression pdf.
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GI in mantra works by taking light from the environment when rays bounce off into space. Since you've enclosed your whole scene into a sphere, then none of the bounced rays can get out.

If you just want a background image, it's much better to do it at the compositing stage. Or perhaps render out a separate pass if you need to.
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You need to remove your sphere from your gi light's shadow mask.
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great help, thanks a lot all
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