Simple light object instancing

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I did a bit of research, but I can't figure this out..

I have a workflow with the ‘instance’ SOP, with feeding the ‘instancePath’ attribute, per point. I'd like to continue using that route, like for standard geometries.

Now I have tried with multiple methods, but I can't instance lights that same way (see screenshot). The only thing I got instanced was a geometric representation of the light's gizmo.

Is there a way to get this working in Houdini 15.5?
If not, what other efficient instancing way would be recommended? (if possible withouth the ‘copy’ SOP!).

Any input welcome!


lightInst.jpg (69.6 KB)

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I don't think you can instance lights in Houdini. You can use a Copy sop to create a geometry that you then turn into a single geometry light. You could also write a Python script to manage light deployment in a scene, but it would need to actually create a physical light at every point.
Edited by Enivob - Nov. 7, 2016 08:49:54

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thanks for the help!

in your example: how do you ‘convert’ the sphere geo into a specific light, e.g. spot?
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You can convert any geometry object into a Geometry Light by clicking the Geometry Light button on the Lights And Cameras Shelf Tool Bar. Select the geometry then click the button. This process takes care of removing the original geometry from the scene as well, so it does not block itself from illumination.

This does not make it a spotlight, it acts more like a point light.

You can create lights with a script like this.
node = hou.pwd()
geo = node.geometry()
def fetchIfObject (passedName):
    # Return a named item if it exists.
        result = hou.node(passedName)
        if result == 0:
            result = None
        result = None
    return result
parent_name = "light_container"   # Name of master object that will hold all the generated lights.
subnet_name = "/obj/%s" % parent_name
parent = fetchIfObject(subnet_name)
if parent == None:
    # Create a SubNet for all lights to reside under.
    parent = hou.node('/obj').createNode('subnet', parent_name)
for (i,point) in enumerate(geo.points()):
    light_name = "ilight_%s" % i
    ob = fetchIfObject('/obj/%s/%s' % (parent_name, light_name))
    if ob == None:
        # Light does not exist, time to create it.
        ob = parent.createNode('hlight', light_name, run_init_scripts=False)
        ob.parm("light_type").set(0)        # Set the type of light.
        ob.parm("coneenable").set(1)        # Turn on the spotlight cone to convert this point light to a spotlight.
        ob.parm("light_colorr").set(1)      # Set light color.
        ob.parm("light_intensity").set(1.0) # Set light intensity.
    # Set the position for this light.
    p = point.position()
    ob.parm('tx').set(p[0])         # Position the item.
    ob.parm('ty').set(p[1])         # Position the item.
    ob.parm('tz').set(p[2])         # Position the item.
    # Rotate the spotlight so it is facing down.
Edited by Enivob - Nov. 7, 2016 21:48:29

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ap_scatter_lights.hipnc (172.4 KB)
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wow, awesome stuff!

I'm definitely not a shelf button person, so I'll go with the Python option, because then I can also set multiple colors and stuff at the same time.


HUGE thanks!
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137 posts
I don't think you can instance lights in Houdini.

For the record, you can instance light in Houdini. Here is an example file and things to keep in mind.

-You need Full Point Instancing. Fast Point Instancing won't work.
-Even thought the Instance Object parameter is called “instancepath” the attribute you have to create per point is “instance”.
-You need to make sure your object containing all the instances is visible to Mantra as an object but you don't need to put it in the candidate lights. For example my workflow involves to not use Candidate Objects, I use Force Objects instead. For this reason I have to write my instance node there.
-You generally want to exclude the single light be instance from the center of the world by writing its name in “Exclude Lights”.

light_instancing.hip (251.6 KB)

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