Poly Split Problem

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I just started getting a problem with the poly split tool. When I hit tab - polysplit in the viewport it instantly wires in a polysplit node and won't let me use ` to reselect to points. About 30% of the time it crashes the rest of the time it just refuses to let me select the geometry. I have no idea why it started now as I have been working on the file for quite while and never had a problem before. I have resarted Houdini several times and restarted the computer twice.
Have any of you ever seen this before?
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I have unistalled/reinstalled Houdini twice now and I still can't get it to work again. No one has seen this before?
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Hey there

Try deleting or renaming your $HOME/houdini directory. Sometimes something goes wonky in there and freaks out houdini a little.
It's a bit of a stretch but it might work .

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That sounds like the right behaviour to me except for the crashing. Once you go into a new polysplit, there's nothing to select. You just click on edges to start splitting. After you right-click to finish the selection, does backtick make sense.
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Except it looks like it's wiring the node before asking him to select the edges needed, unless I read that incorrectly
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I don't see anything wrong with that. It wires the moment your mouse hovers over any geometry.
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on linux 8.1.704
if I TAB > polysplit in the viewport and don't move the mouse at all..a ploysplit node is dropped into the network but not wired up….as soon as I move the mouse it wires up to the correct node…
mayby video card related…?
Michael Goldfarb | www.odforce.net
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There is nothing normal about what it is doing. I have done lots of modeling and use the Poly Split all the time and not being able to use it is like having both arms cut off! I just downloaded and installed the newest version straight from the Sidefx site and it is the same thing.

When I create it either in the view pane or the network pane the node instantly wires itself to the last node. If I try to use the ` to reselect the lines/point I want to split it crashes the program. It has nothing to do with the file or the object. I can create a new file and use any type of poly and always the same thing.

Any help would be very much appreciated!!!
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I have no problem with it wiring up by itself but you have to be able to use the ` to reselect your splits. I have been using Houdini for 4 yr so I and would hate to think how many Poly Splits I have done in that time. This just started happening one day right in the middle of modeling. I restarted the program but nothing happened. I have deleted the $HOME folder, temp files , reinstalled, changed versions but no good. I have not changed any physical components in this time. Same 6600GT video card for 2 yr.
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on linux 8.1.704
if I TAB > polysplit in the viewport and don't move the mouse at all..a ploysplit node is dropped into the network but not wired up….as soon as I move the mouse it wires up to the correct node…
mayby video card related…?

On related note…since the PolySplit SOP behaves that way you need to be careful if you have the Footprint flag turned on on other SOPs. Every footprint you move your mouse over will get merged into a nice sloppy merge SOP.

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if I TAB > polysplit in the viewport and don't move the mouse at all..a ploysplit node is dropped into the network but not wired up….as soon as I move the mouse it wires up to the correct node…

This is what I keep saying. This is the intended behaviour. Before your mouse overs over any geometry, it doesn't know which SOP you want to polysplit, which is why it doesn't connect yet. Once your mouse hovers over some geometry in the viewport, then it assumes you want to polysplit that and so at the point, it gets connected. If your viewer doesn't have any empty space, then doing TAB > PolySplit will immediately wire into whichever SOP that is underneath your mouse because there's already geometry there.
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For jjstanley, have you tried just deleting the problem PolySplit from your .hip file and redoing it? If you start a brand new scene, are you able to polysplit regularly?
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Again, I may be mistaken but I believe that the fact it's wiring itself to a SOP is besides the point. The fact that it's not letting him select any edges to split at all is probably the bigger worry at this time.

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It's working!! I don't know what did it for sure. I searched my hard drive and deleted everything that had anything to do with houdini. Every folder and file, it takes a while!
I reinstalled and it works! I sure wish I knew what was cuasing the problem tough.
Thanks for all the input.
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