Introducing the Artist Directory [beta]

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There is a new Artist Directory on the SideFX website which provides a way to search for community members. Currently this is in beta and we would love for you to try it out before we officially list it on the Community menu. []

Right now there are only a handful of people listed - you must choose Canada or United States to see them.

This is an opt-in program and for you to be listed you need to go to your profile settings and turn on "Include my Profile in Artist Directory.”

Your top 2 or 3 gallery items will be featured on your profile. They will be your most recent three. If you want to choose other pieces from your gallery then go to the Gallery section of your profile settings and click on "Featured in Artist Directory" for the items you want people to see.

This relates to the Profile Page changes we talked about recently in another forum post: []

The more profile information you provide the easier it will be for people to find you (including recruiters from studios if you are looking for work)

Please add any feedback in this thread.
Edited by rmagee - Oct. 6, 2023 12:50:37
Robert Magee
Senior Product Marketing Manager
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The directory has been added to the Community menu. Looking forward to seeing the list of artists grow. Be sure to add yourself as soon as you can!
Robert Magee
Senior Product Marketing Manager
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Interesting addition to the forums. Would it be difficult to enhance it with a field offering a multiple choice of countries that we are willing to work in (move to)?
Edited by ajz3d - Oct. 15, 2023 17:25:29
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You should consider adding in a way to highlight universities that are graduating folks who know Houdini for those companies looking for new talent. I wish we taught it, but at the moment Unreal Engine is all I've been able to squeeze in.
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