Hello everybody,
I am struggling with basics I think.
It's a kind of an important for me since I am trying to introduce Houdini to studio's pipeline (games)

It's a base level map matrix.
The texture map is 2048x2048 with 4 variations within ( all tillable)
I have one base tile (2x2m) that I copied building different blocks. I use two copy nodes, one for vertical and one for horizontal grid.
The idea was to use UV texture SOP to map base tile, then to place UV edit after copy nodes and manually rearrange position of UVs of copied tiles so I achieve effect of random distribution… The idea worked in general…
But I have to build many blocks so manual editing of UVs defies the idea of proceduralism. So I try to use Create Output Groups attribute on copy node and then using those groups to define randomness but somehow I couldn't setup the network to work… And since I am not very experienced with Houdini ( + basic math is all I know..) I cannot solve it on my own.
I attached both file and texture.
I appreciate any help since I'd be super happy ( and proud) to slowly but surely introduce Houdini to our pipeline

If more info is needed please do say so.
Thanks in advance,