H15 - polyknit tool

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Here it is how the similar tool in Softimage works.

The tool will automatically set the “right” normal for the polygon created. The arrows, when they point the trigonometric way, will indicate that you'll have a “good” normal. Clockwise arrows will result in an inverted (normal facing away and therefore disconnected at edges from the others) polygon

You can click on both edges and points (or even on empty space) which allows you to create triangles, quads or n-sided polygons.

After you commit the creation of a poly (by LMB) if you don't RMB to start creating from another point/edge, the tool will try to guess where you want to continue from by jumping to the nearest edge to the mouse cursor.

You don't have to actually shake the mouse the way I did in the clip above, I did it in the hope of having the tool following your cursor seen more clearly.

Starting with this tool with no object selected will create a new object which is a cool “side-effect” feature that allows you to draw polygon shapes as you see fit.

edit: meant to put it into the Technical Discussion so feel free to move it if you deem it necessary
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Looks fantastic. Are you proposing how a new poly tool in Houdini ought to behave, or previewing a homemade tool that you're already developing?

Modo's topology pen also has some nice drawing features, though the feedback isn't as intuitive as what you're demonstrating.
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Yeah no, that's the Softimage's poly Add/Edit polygon tool, I'm no developer. And yes, I'm posting this to get feedback from people: is this something they like, do they know of other tools that work better or maybe they have ideas of their own never seen before.
Basically talking about it and deciding what we want regarding the polyknit to become. It's a very important tool for modeling, much more than the more often mentioned polygon (face) bridge tool IMO, importance referring to how often I use one or the other.
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In order to be a true Houdini tool it should be “intelligent” enough to receive a group of edges or points (i.e. procedural selection, not manual) and do the exact same thing.

Otherwise, I´m sold. I agree that´s much more useful than what we have currently.
Javier Meroño
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You mean to be able to receive groups in addition to manual not instead, right? I'm pretty sure that that's what you meant, but I got to ask since I'm not 100% sure.
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yup, I meant in addition. I also want manual control if need be, but in Houdini you always want to have the procedural alternative.
Javier Meroño
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yup, I meant in addition. I also want manual control if need be, but in Houdini you always want to have the procedural alternative.

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I´m sure your tool is great Mantragora, but I´m concentrating on free tools. If yours is Orbolt´s it ain´t free for Indie users, which rules it our for me.
Javier Meroño
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I would expect that most old Houdini users already have their own version of similar tool. I made those mostly for newcomers, who are unfamiliar with Houdini and/or scripting etc. and miss this type of functionality.
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well, that depends on the amount of time one can devote to modelling Personally I think Polyknit is way improvable and what McNistor is suggesting is a clear improvement over the default tool.

If everything we could add ourselves to Houdini wasn´t to be added natively SESI would have quite a lot of spare time, wouldn´t they?
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@mantragora - your tool seems to produce decent result from what I see, but obviously lacks the interactivity Softimage one has, but I'm not sure that's something one can solve via Python. I won't test it for reasons I've already told you previously.

I don't think “old” Houdini users have something like this in their toolkit because I don't think anybody does any serious modeling inside Houdini. If this assumption is wrong, please point me into the direction of the studio/artist that uses H for modeling, I'm dying of curiosity to see what has been modeled with Houdini. My google-fu doesn't seem to be good enough to find something relevant.

@Netvudu - If SESI wants to attract the artist type with Houdini it has to have all the basic (and beyond ideally) tools on the shelf.
Scripts/plugins are like supplements - good to have them but should not replace the essential.
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@mantragora - your tool seems to produce decent result from what I see, but obviously lacks the interactivity Softimage one has, but I'm not sure that's something one can solve via Python. I won't test it for reasons I've already told you previously.
Viewport feedback is something that should be solved by RenderHooks. Only they can draw something and not wait for node cook.

I don't think “old” Houdini users have something like this in their toolkit because I don't think anybody does any serious modeling inside Houdini. If this assumption is wrong, please point me into the direction of the studio/artist that uses H for modeling, I'm dying of curiosity to see what has been modeled with Houdini. My google-fu doesn't seem to be good enough to find something relevant.
I don't use it for modeling too. But sometimes I need this type of functionality, and it's easier to use it than play with multiple nodes.

Scripts/plugins are like supplements - good to have them but should not replace the essential.

Explain this to Maya/3dsmax guys

Essential functionality is there. I just put it together in one tool
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I don't use it for modeling too.

I'd like to change that. I'd honestly like to start modeling something in Houdini and maybe even record as a tutorial of some sorts and if something appealing comes out post it on youtube and whatnot. The reason I'm not going to, at least not yet, is that the tools and some interaction related bits are way too rough for me to be willing to spend so much time which is already rather scarce.
Now if this will change I'd be willing to do that and test those tools in the process in order to provide feedback for improving, bug testing and whatnot.

Scripts/plugins are like supplements - good to have them but should not replace the essential.

Explain this to Maya/3dsmax guys

Essential functionality is there. I just put it together in one tool

I know… although Max doesn't need many plugins if at all for modeling. Regarding the rest… well, you're dead in the water if all you have is the vanilla version.

In Softimage all I have is a script made into a button (to witch I have a hotkey assigned) to toggle ON/OFF an option which has no easy way to access by default, one which I'd like to see in Houdini as well - to be discussed when the time comes - and two scripts:
an old one
http://maxfoxlab.com/mx_roundish.html [maxfoxlab.com]
and a relatively new one
http://www.si-community.com/community/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=2120 [si-community.com]
(kudos to Piotrek)
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I am using it for modelling for product and arch viz. For character or something more organic I would use something else, like Blender or Zbrush.

These are done entirely in Houdini (some still wip), except some plants and cars.

I do agree with McNistor about polyknit, though I think some proceduralism should be kept in implementation. But most of situations like this I prefer polyCap, now in 14 it has option to Cap all unshared edges if no Group, so one step less to do, also no need to select components.
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Very nice renders SreckoM. I imagine those are made with mantra, right?
As you hinted out, arch modeling is not really the best benchmark for modeling and in this case it merely shows that if the user is willing to put in enough effort it is possible, even when the “odds” are against you.
And yes, every tool in Houdini should have a “procedural side”, even those dedicated entirely to modeling.
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Yes Mantra.
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I see. Do you have a channel or a website where you show some Mantra tips?
Would be interested.

Forgot to mention: regarding the above plugins (mx_roundish and quick_primitive), I'd very much like to see them implemented into Houdini. I'm not sure that people that never worked with similar features can appreciate how helpful they are, but FWIW, I vouch for their usefulness.
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Hey guys. perhaps I'm crazy but now I'm trying to use Houdini for modelling as a replacement for Softimage. ops:
I'm having a hard time using Polyknit in H14. When I create a new polygon face, all points surrounding the new face get duplicated. WHY? I tried to check and uncheck each Polyknit options but always get the same result.
Should I wait for H15 or… go back to Soft for modelling? :cry:
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It is really hard to figure out output of Polyknit. Check help, but at least for me, it did not help much in understanding how it works. For me it is usually trial and error approach. Can you send screenshot of what you have problem with?
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